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Fast forward to Thanksgiving Day, where Casey was looking forward to seeing what her dad's family's Thanksgiving was like. Her dad told stories about the food his family made and it made Casey drool.

She weighed 214 pounds, only 16 pounds off her expectation for the quarter. She had grown a nice belly, her hips were wide and plump, and her thighs rubbed together every time she took a step. Her neck was slowly being swallowed by a growing double chin, and her fingers were slowly becoming plump like sausages.

Casey loved every second of her life, constantly gorging on fattening food and gaining weight. She was going to get really fat for Ben, and he hopefully gained weight as well. She had a car now, gifted to her when she got to 200, and she often went into town and binged on fast food for hours a day.

Today was different, though. According to her dad, Thanksgiving with his family was quite the event. Massively overeating was expected and encouraged, and the people who ate the most got to eat all the desserts they wanted. First come, first serve. Apparently, people bring so much food that there are tons of leftovers for the fatties who get to take them home as a reward for eating the most.

Also according to her dad, he had warned them about her and how much she ate, especially when she hadn't eaten in even a short while. They laughed it off, which made Casey kind of mad.

So mad, in fact, that she ate a small breakfast and lunch, with nothing in between. She wanted to be so hungry she would out-eat most of the family and get those glorious fatass privileges.

Her belly was so empty it hurt on the way to her grandma's house, but she didn't ask for any food. When they got there, the table was all set and everyone praised Casey for gaining weight.

"You were such a stick, good job, hon!"

"You've really filled out since the last time I saw you, it looks so becoming on you!"

After everyone said their praises and Casey was done being the center of attention, they sat down to eat. She fit right in, piling her plate high and digging in quickly.

Some relatives tapped out at two or three plates, but most went on to five, six, or seven. Her dad was finished at eight, which left her and two others still eating. One of them was slowing down, but Casey was still actually hungry. The last person managed to cram 10 plates in, but Casey still kept eating. Everyone's conversations fizzled out and they just watched her shove more and more food into her gut.

She was able to put away 13 plates of food before patting her belly, burping, and smiling.

"He warned you..." she said, licking her lips.

Everyone had to loosen their belts, including Casey, who had to unbutton her pants. It gave her sweet satisfaction that she probably weighed almost the least of anyone there and still ate more than all of them.

Her gut settled over the next hour and a half before being fully hungry again before dessert.

"Ok, the 14-inch, two tier red velvet cake goes to Casey, for remarkably weighing only 215 and eating more than every single one of us!"

Casey devoured the big cake in record speed, but her belly still rumbled loudly.

"You're still hungry? Some of us are still full from dinner, and you're hungry?"

"Yeah," Casey said, giggling, "I normally eat all day every day, so my appetite is huge!"

"Well I'll be. Come on then, get a couple plates and all the dessert you can fit on them."

She took half of one of the cinnamon roll cakes, a quarter each of a pumpkin, apple, and cherry pie, five huge, triple chocolate fudge brownies, a big slice of key lime cheesecake, and four sticky buns, going back to the couch and eating all of it as well.

"~OuUrpp~ hey, Grandma, I need something to ~urp~ drink..."

"You like Coke?"

"Oh, yes, please!"

Casey was given a liter of it and drank it all at once in front of the entire family. It seemed like it was nothing to her to the rest of the family, as she just slapped her bloated gut, burped again, and smiled.

"Thanks!" she said. "Now, can I get more dessert? There was more stuff I wanted to try!"

"Sure, just to see how much you can pack into that stomach of yours,"

Casey got half a dozen apple cider cookies, a huge bowl of homemade rocky road ice cream, a thick slice of oreo raspberry cake, a quarter of a death by chocolate cake, and two big scoops of marshmallow salad.

After eating all that and drinking a tall can of ginger ale, then, and only then was she full. Her belly didn't jiggle anymore and slapping it made a thick, heavy noise. She was breathing heavily and rubbing her gut, smiling.

"So good, thanks!"

Everyone was in awe of how much Casey had eaten, and they were shocked she wasn't fatter. Someone who ate that much should have been 40 pounds heavier, but they chalked it up to a fast metabolism.

They chatted for a little while, but Casey was starting to get hungry again and wanted to binge again.

"Hey Dad," she whispered.


"Can we leave yet? I'm hungry and I want to binge eat on the way home,"

"Yeah, let's try to leave without attracting any attention."

They waited a few more minutes until everyone was wrapped up in something else and they slipped out.

Casey got a feast of fast food, bags upon bags of food from each place just for her to eat on the way back home. She managed to cram the last burger into her mouth as they pulled in.

"Movie night?" her dad asked.

"Yeah!" Casey said.

They piled snacks and soda on the coffee table, set up a movie, and all sat together on the couch, eating and laughing together until Casey fell asleep, her belly full.

oh, to be a little fat girl...Where stories live. Discover now