The Meet Up

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Casey woke up the happiest she had ever been. It was better than Christmas or her birthday and she couldn't possibly wait for 11 am, when she would leave to go see Ben. She loved him more than she had ever loved anything in her entire life, and she felt warm and fuzzy inside just thinking about him.

It got even better when she went downstairs and smelled her favorite breakfast foods, as her dad had woken up early to give her a feast of her favorite foods before she left.

"Oh my goodness, Dad, is that-"

"Stuffed double chocolate cheesecake and raspberry pancakes, topped with Nutella and custard! Obviously that's not it, though, I also made you cinnamon rolls, sausages covered in syrup, a four egg omelette, heavily oversalted of course, a big bowl of fried potatoes covered in cheese, different meats, and grilled onions, a bowl of rocky road ice cream covered in Nutella, chocolate sauce, caramel sauce, and crushed oreos, and I have a bunch of bacon frying in this pan."

"To drink?"

"I looked at your shake recipe and made you a pitcher. I hope I did it right."

Casey took a sip and her face lit up.

"Oh, please tell me how you did it, this is even better than when I make it!"

"All I did was add one ingredient at a time and blended them like that. What do you do?"

"I just throw everything in the blender and drink it,"

"Ah, ok."

Her dad grabbed another plate and put all the bacon on it, making sure to get the grease on the plate too. Casey sat down, her entire body jiggling, and her dad set down the plate of bacon.

She savored every fattening bite, grateful for her dad putting in the effort to make her breakfast extra big and extra amazing. After eating everything, she drank a two-liter of coke and hugged her dad, thanking him for the meal.

Her belly settled a little while later and she weighed herself, hoping to see even a one pound gain from two days ago.


Two pounds. It wasn't much in the grand scheme of things, seeing as she was heavily obese now, but it still made her happy. She nodded happily, feeling her face sink into her double chin, and went to watch TV with her parents until she left.

When she got up to change into her dress, she was made instantly aware of how hungry she was. Good for her though, as her and Ben were meeting at a buffet to catch up, eat, and admire each other's plump bodies.

She changed, got in the car, and left for the downtown buffet, practically drooling thinking about how fat Ben would be.

Luckily, she wouldn't be disappointed at all!

Ben was waiting outside the buffet, his gut rumbling loudly with hunger. He had gained almost 35 pounds over the quarter after Casey left, now sitting at a huge 314. He got winded walking, rather, waddling, from his room to the driveway, especially with the tight suit squeezing his belly.

He was hoping Casey gained a fair chunk of weight herself, but he could never know for sure. Based on the pictures of her meals she sent him, she should have gained a lot, but she had a really fast metabolism last time he checked.

All he could do was hope until he saw her car pull in. He got out to meet her, and when she got out his brain totally froze with how beautiful she was.

When she got out of her car, her entire body jiggled and wobbled, making Ben blush.

"C-Casey... you... you're... I..."

Casey just waddled over to Ben and kissed him on the cheek, stroking one of his belly rolls.

"You've gained weight, Ben~"

"You're beautiful, Casey! I can't even describe how beautiful you are!"

"How much do you weigh, Ben?~"

"314, how about you?"


"You gained over 100 pounds, I-"

"Ssh~ I know~"

Casey squeezed one of Ben's plump cheeks and smiled.

Ben pulled Casey close, hugging her tightly and exploring every new roll on her body. She did the same, letting her hands roam over Ben's expansive, luscious fat.

"Your suit is so tight, I love it~"

"Your dress is fantastically tight, squeezing your fat so perfectly~"

Casey put her arms around Ben's neck, his neck fat overlapping her plump wrists and hands.

"I want to see your appetite in action, Casey~"

"Same for you, Ben~"

They let go of each other and held hands going into the buffet. They could eat with reckless abandon without fear of judgement because everyone in there was their size or bigger! The booths were the perfect size for fatter people and they had bigger tables for more food at once. Casey appreciated that, since she liked to binge eat all at once. All the buffet lines were really close to the tables, and every table was a booth for extra comfort.

When they both had gotten all their food, they sat close enough to each other that their fat squished against each other. Casey got an idea and looked at Ben.

"Should I eat messily like you do?~ This dress won't last the night anyway~"

"This suit won't stand too much either, it's already really tight~"

"Then let's eat and make those suit buttons pop off~"

Ben blushed and smiled, starting to shovel food into his mouth. He got food on his cheeks, neck, and suit, but he didn't seem to care. Casey started to do the same, mindlessly and greedily cramming food down her throat. She kept watch of Ben's suit jacket and saw how the buttons started to strain as he ate. His undershirt was showing between buttons and the curve of his belly became steeper as he stuffed himself. After his sixth plate, both Casey and Ben heard a pop as one of the buttons, the one closest to the peak of his gut, came off, revealing his stretched undershirt.

Ben was watching Casey too, especially after he could hear stitches popping here and there over her dress. On her seventh plate, the seams on her dress sleeves started splitting and fat squeezed out of the holes. She was just as much a slobby eater as Ben, getting food all over her dress and face, which turned him on. The fabric covering her belly was almost transparent from her gut expanding, and her belly button was visible through it. All Ben wanted to hear was a rip and to see Casey's belly spill onto her huge, fat thighs.

"After we finish here, I want to come to your house and have you try a few things I made over the quarter~" Casey said.

"Like what?"

"It's a surprise~ I'll need to go to the store to get the ingredients, but it should take too long~"

"I can't wait~"

Casey kissed Ben on the cheek again and they got back to eating.

By the time they finished, their clothes were practically ruined. Ben's suit was covered in stains and no longer had any buttons below his moobs, and his undershirt had ridden up to the top of his bloated gut. Casey's dress wasn't doing much better, with a rip across her belly, holes along the sides of her thighs, and also being covered in stains.

"We're such fatties~" Casey said, rubbing her gut.

"I'll send you my address and I'll meet you there..." Ben said, breathing heavily from fullness.

Casey got up and went to her car, changing into the loose clothes she had in the back and going to the store to get everything she needed to make a substantial amount of her gainer shake for Ben.

oh, to be a little fat girl...Where stories live. Discover now