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That was just how it was. Every day for breakfast and dinner, Casey's dad would cook a huge, fattening meal for everyone before his girlfriend left and after she came home. Lunch was always fast food, and tons of it. Desserts took place after and between meals and snacks became meals for one.

Casey was loving it and had the appetite of someone double and a half her size. She only weighed 115, but she had the fastest metabolism in the world and that kept the weight off. She did gain 12 pounds in a week, but she had hoped to gain more.

She was getting lazy, not wanting to move a whole lot. This was good for her, as it would drop her metabolism and help her gain weight faster, but bad for her once she got home and had to explain the thin layer of blubber over her bony body.

Of course, as Layla (Casey's dad's girlfriend) promised, her stomach was never anywhere near hungry. She ate constantly and her stomach was always bloated. For the first time in her life, she wanted to overindulge in her dad's huge, fattening meals and eat until she couldn't anymore. Unfortunately, her appetite got so big that she thought she would start going to bed hungry again after returning to her mom's house.

"Dad," she said.


"Can you help me convince Mom to let me eat until I'm full? I don't want to go to bed even remotely hungry ever urp again."

"Of course, but just in case we can't, I'll send you home with your backpack full of goodies and will bring you more every day that your mom and stepdad both work. You could also say you want to stay here with me."

"Wait, I have an idea. Ben can give me enough food to fill me up at lunch and some dinners and I can come here on the weekends. If I quit swimming, I can be lazy after school as well."

"Then, when you come here on the weekends, you'll never move and will constantly eat!"


"That sounds perfect! Anyways, what do you want for dinner?"

Casey's stomach rumbled.

"The richest, heaviest thing you know how to make!" she said.


Her dad thought about it for a few solid seconds before answering.

"I think that would be my burgers, but I can also make fries and mac and cheese as sides."

"Aw, that's it?"

"What else do you want?" her dad asked, chuckling.

"I want more fried food, you make it so greasy and delicious!"

"I'll make onion rings and mozzarella sticks, how about that?"

"Will you make a fattening sauce to go with them?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Then yes!"

Casey's dad was proud of his daughter for finally embracing what she wanted to do. She was asking for more and more food every day and was gaining weight quickly. He smiled at Casey, who had just come back from raiding the pantry for snacks, and got up to make dinner. Casey started unwrapping swiss rolls and eating them two at a time with reckless abandon.

She finished the boxes of cakes she got out of the pantry and went to the upstairs bathroom to weigh herself. Her time at her dad's was almost over, and she wanted to know how much she had gained from all the rich food she stuffed herself with over the week and a half she had been there.

132 pounds!


She gained almost 30 pounds, and the last week wasn't even over yet!

She couldn't see any of her bones anymore, and she was ecstatic! She ran out to the kitchen, where her dad was frying onion rings and mozzarella sticks, and shouted over the sound of the deep fryer.

"Dad! I gained 30 pounds already!"

"Fantastic!" her dad shouted back.

Casey went into the fridge and got a two liter bottle of coke, chugging it to see how far her stomach would stick out. It went out about three or four inches, making it look like she weighed 180 rather than 132.

She quickly grabbed a box of cookies, a box of muffins, and two gallon ziploc bags of her dad's homemade, extra greasy potato chips and went to the couch to eat. She was determined to stuff as much as she could into her stomach before she had to leave.

When dinner came around, Casey was already kind of full. She had been mindlessly eating for a while and took in probably 2000 calories already. Despite that, she still heaped her plate high with food and was determined to eat until she slipped into a food coma. She did just that, eating three of her dad's triple thickburgers, a half pound of fries covered in cheese and a sauce she couldn't recognize, two huge bowls of mac and cheese, 15 onion rings, and 10 mozzarella sticks, as well as three liters of different sodas. She fell asleep in her chair, her stomach angry and gurgling.

Her dad chuckled and left her there to sleep off the 4000 calories she just consumed.

That became commonplace, as she ate herself into a food coma at every meal and spent every waking minute eating. She gained weight incredibly quickly over the last two days she was there, stuffing herself to the brim every second she could. Before her mom came to pick her up, she weighed herself.


She gained a ton of weight, it was noticable on her previously rib-showing frame. She had a layer of softness over her whole body, not able to see her old, super skinny self. Exercise was abhorrent to her, and she'd rather die than walk even half a mile. Her spirit gained a lot more than her body did, that's for sure.

Her dad packed a duffel bag full of fattening treats and containers of his cooking that he saved for her. Each container of his food was over 1000 calories, and he mostly packed those for her. He also packed liters of soda, boxes of cakes, cookies, and other treats, and smaller containers of fattening sauces he made for her to put on the food she ate at her mom's.

Casey came out with her backpack and her dad and his girlfriend hugged her tightly.

"Hey Dad,"


"I know you packed a food stash for me, but can I put some more food in my backpack?"

Her dad laughed heartily.

"Of course, just be quick!"

She put candy, two jars of Nutella, four bags of homemade chips, and four huge containers of her dad's cooking in her backpack before running out to her mom's car with the duffel bag.

"Bye, Dad!" she shouted out the window as her mom pulled out of the driveway.

oh, to be a little fat girl...Where stories live. Discover now