New Home, New Routine

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On the way home from her dad's, Casey found the courage to tell her mom she was quitting the swim team.

"Hey Mom,"

"Yes honey?"

"I'm quitting the swim team, I don't want to do it anymore."

"Why not?"

"Henry broke up with me and I realized I don't want to be super thin anymore."

"Alright. As long as it doesn't become dangerous, that's ok."

"Thanks, Mom! By the way, I have a much bigger appetite now,"

"From being at your dad's?"

"Well, it got bigger while I was there, but I was able to eat a ton before."

"We might not have enough money to maintain that."

"I'll text Dad, see if he's willing to let me move in with him and take me to school here."


They got to the house just as her dad responded.

'Yeah, of course!' the text said, 'There's a bus stop for your school the next street over!'

"Mom," Casey said, "I know we just got here, but turn around, Dad said yes."


The ride back to her dad's house was silent, but Casey was elated. She could eat and be lazy all she wanted after school and she would have no responsibilities!

"Hey, Casey! Welcome back!" her dad said.

"Glad to be back here,"

"Set your stuff back inside, you know the drill."


Layla came up to her and hugged her.

"You're going to live with us?"



Casey re-setup her room and sat down on the couch with her duffel bag of food and what she had in her backpack. She stayed there, lazily eating and watching TV with Layla and her dad.

Too quickly it was the first day of school, and Casey didn't want to get up before she smelled thick, buttery pancakes and heard bacon crackling in a pan.

She got herself up and dressed, collecting her school stuff and going out to the kitchen. At her spot on the table sat two huge plates of pancakes, a plate of potatoes covered in cheese, bacon, sausage, grilled onions, and extra salty bacon grease, a plate of six eggs scrambled with bacon, sausage, cheese, and lots of salt, a bowl of chocolate pudding with fruit in it, and a half gallon of chocolate milk. She took a picture of it and sent it to Ben before she dug in and ate all of it.

When she finished, she looked at the texts Ben sent back.

'whoa! Is that just how you eat now? Your dad's so cool!'

'Yeah!' Casey texted back, 'I gained over 30 pounds over break because of meals like this!'

'30 pounds?!'

'My appetite has gotten very big :p'


'how much have you grown?'

'15 pounds, I think?'


Casey smiled and left the house for the bus stop.

It just so happened that Ben was on that bus!

"Oh my gosh, Ben?"

"You're on this bus now?!"


"Let me see!"

Casey sat next to him and lifted her shirt, revealing that she had a layer of blubber over her bones.

"Good job! Soon enough you'll start outgrowing clothes!"

"Yeah, I'm even quitting the swim team just so I can be lazy at home and lower my metabolism!"


"Look what I have for lunch today!"

Ben was fascinated by the amount of room in Casey's backpack that was just her lunch. It was more than even he ate sometimes!

"Man, I hope Henry found another girl, I don't want to be subject to his abuse anymore."

"He texted me this picture the third day of break, so I think you're good."

"Ew, that's him and his new girlfriend?"

"If you ask me, they're made for each other."

Casey chuckled.


At school, Henry paid less than no attention to her and all of it to his new frighteningly thin girlfriend.

"Couldn't be me, gladly." Casey said once she was out of earshot.

At lunch, Ben didn't eat his food because he wanted to see how much Casey could pack away.

He was not disappointed, as she ate everything her dad packed for her. After eating, she submitted her resignation from the swim team and came back to a full Ben, his belly gurgling. She rubbed his gut for a little while before the bell rang and they had to go to class.

Casey was kind of mad because she didn't even have to be at school anymore. She had all the credits she needed to graduate, but the early graduates had to wait until winter break. She called her dad after her third period and asked him to pick her up because she didn't want to go to school anymore.

"Besides, I have all my credits."

"Go talk to the principal first, I don't want you getting expelled for absences right before graduating."

"Ok, Dad."

She did what her dad asked and went to the principal.

"Hey, Casey!"

"Hi Mr. Grant. I have all my credits, can I stop coming to school now? All of my classes are so nothing at this point."

"You have a point. I'll put you in as graduated on the roster so you don't have to be here anymore. You're such a good student, you deserve it."

"I'll call my dad and have him pick me up, see you at graduation!"

Mr. Grant nodded politely and Casey called her dad again.

"You can come get me, the principal is going to put me in as graduated."

"I'll be there in about 45 minutes, see you soon!"

Casey was excited to be able to eat all day like she did on fall break! She would surely gain a ton more weight before winter break, especially as her metabolism kept slowing down. She knew her dad would get something to eat before picking her up, and she was drooling in her third period thinking about what it could be.

When the call slip came in, Casey never left class so quickly in her life.

"Hi, Dad!"

"Hey Casey!"

He hugged her and she sunk into his gut. He signed her out and she went to the car, seeing white boxes on her seat.

The three boxes had a sticky note on top written in her dad's handwriting.

'I got three dozen of your favorite filled donuts, there's a bigger surprise for you at home if you finish them all before we get there'

Casey smiled and opened the first box.

oh, to be a little fat girl...Where stories live. Discover now