Chapter Three: The Boat and The Men in Black Robes

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"Do you really think he'll show up?" Evy asks pacing a little as we wait on the docks in front of the boat we were taking.

"Undoubtedly knowing my luck. He may be a cowboy, but I know the breed his word is his word," Jon assures Evy before she starts pacing again having stopped when our brother opened his mouth.

"Well, I think he's filthy, rude, a complete scoundrel. I don't like him one bit." She had stopped her pacing again facing us as the man, Rick O'Connell as I had learned from Jonathan, himself walked up to our group.

"Anyone, I know?" He asks causing Evy to turn and Jonathan to jump just a little.

"Oh, um hello." Evy greets him shyly as she looks at him in a new light. He was clean cut, shaved, and dressed nicely in tan pants, a white button-down shirt with suspenders as well as a darker tan jacket. I grin at the dumbfounded look on Evy's face right now.

"Smashing day for the start of an adventure, eh, O'Connell?" Jonathan asks, patting O'Connell on his arm with a grin. O'Connell checks his pockets after Jonathan moves back. "Oh, no, no, I'd never steal from a partner... partner." He adds with a nervous chuckle while patting O'Connell on the jaw.

"That reminds me. No hard feelings about the uh-" O'Connell brings his hands up like he's going to punch Jonathan again causing him to flinch.

"Oh, no, no. Happens all the time." Jonathan tells O'Connell with a chuckle, and I nod my head since it's usually me punching him for the stupid things he does.

"Mr. O'Connell," Evy speaks up as she steps forward a little bit. "Can you look me in the eye and guarantee me this isn't some kind of a flimflam? Because if it is, I am warning you-" She starts to threaten O'Connell because this was her one chance, in her mind, to get experience in the field.

"You're warning me?" O'Connell scoffs looking down at her. "Lady let me put it this way; My whole damn garrison believed in this so much that without orders, they marched halfway across Libya and into Egypt to find that city. When we got there, all we found was sand and blood." He finishes before bending down and grabbing mine and Evy's bags. "Let me get your bags." He heads towards the boat, and I follow with my weapons bag over my shoulder. As we make our way up the plank, I can hear the warden greeting my siblings and I shudder not looking forward to having him on this trip.

"I know we're asking a lot of you right now. Going back to such a cursed place that I'm sure you told yourself you'd never go back to." I turn my head to gauge his reaction and nod my head not saying anything else after he gives a curt nod. He puts our bags down when we get to the room Evy, and I are staying in before leaving.

~Later the Night~

I walk back out onto the deck after the sun had set and after changing out of my cream traveling suit, into a white top and white skirt with gold detailing. My duffel was tossed over one of my shoulders with a book in my other hand as I walked around looking for either my siblings or O'Connell.

I find my brother easily enough since all I had to do was follow the sound of a card game. "Don't gamble all of your money away Jon." I say walking over to the table he was sitting at with some Americans. I smile at the other men I stand next to my brother and watch as they all look me up and down as Jonathan sputters and brushes off what I said. I turn on my heel and walk away, my skirt swaying behind me, as I look for somewhere to sit while I read. I find a stack of crates farther away from all of the noise, that I sit down on and open the book in my hand. I got lost in the book quickly, it was the only one I could find about the ruler after Seti I, Rana his daughter and she was only Pharaoh for 10 years before she vanished from history.

My head shot up at the sound of gun fire and shouting. I jump up and start heading for the sleeping quarters while shouting for my sister. "Evy!" I shove people out of my way as I get closer to the fighting as I try to find my sister. I didn't even notice the man who came up behind me until his arm was around my waist, trapping one of my arms, while his hand covered my mouth, and he pulled me back. I wrap my free hand around the man's wrist as I struggle against him trying to get free. He was dragging me away from the fight and a fire had started to spread from the sleeping quarters.

"Stop fighting me." The man growls in Arabic after I kick him in the shin and dig my nails into his wrist. I vaguely recognized his voice, but I was more focused on getting free and finding my sister. The fighting faded as we made it back to where I had been reading and he stopped walking. I fought just a little harder and he tightened his hold on me just enough that I froze worried that he would hurt me.

Once I had calmed down enough to think more clearly and I had the sudden wondering thought about Ardeth being on the boat. He lets me go once I'm still and I turn around ready to yell at him when the world around us fades and it looks like we're standing on a boat in ancient Egypt. I can faintly hear people talking behind us, but the vision only lasts a moment before I was picked up and tossed over the side of the boat. I come back up gasping for air as my bag splashes down next to me. Looking up I see Ardeth before he disappears, and I grab my bag.

I look around for the shore and swim that way after putting the strap of my bag over my head. I was out of breath by the time I had made it close enough to the shore to hear my sister complaining about what she's lost. "Lovely to see you worrying about me Evy." I snark once I'm able to walk out of the water and I feel my clothes and hair sticking to me.

"Hey! Hey O'Connell! Looks to me like I got all the horses!" A weaselly-looking man shouts in a heavy accent on the other side of the Nile.

"Hey, Benie! Looks to me like you're on the wrong side of the river!" O'Connell shouts back as I come to a stop next to my siblings, shivering a little since it was much colder now than when the sun was out. The warden was leering at me, and I look down to see that my shirt was sheer and that there was a rip in my skirt up to the top of my thigh. I move my hair to cover my cheesy and glare at the man until he looks away.

"There's a trading post about a day's walk from here," O'Connell tells us walking to the front of our group and leading us away from the river.

As we walk through the night, only stopping for short breaks, I could feel eyes on us for most of the night. O'Connell had taken my bag and was carrying it with his over his shoulder because I had stumbled a little after one of our breaks because I had lost my footing in the sand.

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