𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒐. poison in a cup

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a z r i e l

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Azriel was close to certain that he was about to put poison in someone's cup and watch them suffer just for the fun of it.

He had expected the ball to be a long and dragging occasion, of course, but for it to be outright boring and enough so he wished for unconsciousness, was one thing he hadn't expected.

That and the bubbly, fair-haired girl he met later on that night.

When he had been told that he had to attend a ball at the palace of the very people who had led to him hiding his name from others and taking on a title instead, he had become infuriated. But then a small part of him realised it would give him an advantage into the inner workings of that place.

He had of course expected guards to be at every designated position possible, but that didn't leave him at a disadvantage.

Not when he was a special guest.

All he needed was an in to the Celeste family, but he had yet to find it. Or rather, them.

"Salvatore," a gruff voice came from behind him. With his jaw clenched, he turned to face the man he hated most in the world. "Sorry for keeping you waiting so long. I had expected you to be earlier."

"I can assure you, Your Majesty, I was on time." By twenty whole minutes. He needed that time to give himself a greater opportunity at learning about the palace. "I understand, though. You are a busy man. Any king would be."

Azriel might not have been the king of the kingdom, but he was most certainly king of the Orphics.

"I suppose I should thank you for your understanding, then," Adalricus said. "Where is your family, then, Salvatore? Are they not still to meet my own tonight or has that changed?"

"No, that is the same," he replied. "The thing is, children have a mind of their own; most of them had separated the moment we walked through those doors, but I had thought it was the General that was more important tonight. Not the family. After all..." The King raised his brows. "Not here. It is not wise to discuss such sensitive matters in public."

"Then we will go to the war room, if we must. But not for long. I have promised my wife that I would do my best to stay away from duties tonight."

Azriel tried not to smirk. "Family man?"

"Perhaps the greatest," he half-joked. "Do not tell my wife, but she means more than our children. You will understand the sentiment one day, too, General."

He raised a brow. "Loving my wife more than the children we both wanted?" he deadpanned. "That she endured a pregnancy for?"

"You might be making pregnancy out to be far more serious than it really is," he said, laughing slightly. "When you are young, you believe it is hard and difficult and that there are all sorts of changes, but it is easier going through it together."

"Yes, but there is only one of us who carries the child, and it is not me or you." He stared at him hard.

Adalricus stared back, then turned his gaze elsewhere, as if in search for someone.

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