𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕. shadowlight

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s e r a p h i n a

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He was there.

After six months, after finding out it had all been nothing more than a lie with ulterior motives, the General was in front of her again.

And not just a general, but one who was part of a resistance against the very people he was working for.

Part of her wanted to do something about it, but how could she, when there was no way for her to have seen his arm without his tunic coming off? And what would have led to that happening?

That was exactly what they would have asked.

And then what? Be forced to expose that night?

They would both become traitors—him for another, entirely different reason.

And if he hated them so much, if he was part of a resistance, why had he wandered away with her? Why had he bothered with her at all?

Why, why, why?

She had so many questions, and such little answers.

"You remember Seraphina," Regina said, clueless as she dug into her meal. "Sera, General Salvatore."

"Hi," was all she could manage to say, her voice quiet as she tore her gaze from him and busied herself with her meal, his presence dark in her peripheral.

She could ignore him, but not the traitorous feeling of betrayal that lingered. Betrayal indicated trust.

"Your Highness," he murmured back, inclining his head in greeting.

The rest of dinner was spent with the pair awkwardly acknowledging each other by ignoring each other's presence to the best of their ability; her mother and Rosangelina tried to engage Salvatore in conversation, but that quickly stopped when he went off with her father to resume their meeting.

Seraphina waited until after dessert—vanilla bean ice-cream, her favourite—to go join them.

Knowing now that Salvatore was there made her more hesitant as she walked over, moving as slow as she could to take more time.

But, of course, eventually, she reached the war room.

For a moment, she lingered outside, contemplating knocking or taking a walk to waste more time—and then she remembered that just because she had time to waste, it didn't mean others did. So she hurried to make her way inside.

"Where is your mother?" her father asked as she walked towards him and General Salvatore, standing by the table.

"She is on her way. She might be a few minutes, though."

"I will go find her," he said, making for the door. "Keep our general company, will you? I think you both will find each other's presence entertaining, given you share the same ludicrous opinions."

Seraphina sighed. "It is not ludicrous—"

"Yes, yes, so you say."

With a laugh to himself and the dismissive wave of his hand, he left.

The guards at the doors outside closed them behind the king, and the sound felt final.

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