𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒆𝒏. the ordinary girl

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s e r a p h i n a

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Almost an entire month had passed since the last meeting they'd had with the General, and even though Seraphina had asked to forget, she hadn't been able to herself.

She couldn't stop questioning the truth of that night, what it really was and if she had only ever been used, and the worst part was that the thoughts would enter her mind at the most inconvenient moments—when she was in a council meeting, or at a picnic with her family, or spending time with Diana.

Thankfully, she'd had her loved ones to distract her as best as they unknowingly could.

That day, she lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling. Her arms were laid across each other, one on top of the other, eyes focused on the art on top of her...

She was fidgeting with her necklace—a clear quartz ring slid through a thin, silver chain—and pulling the ring back and forth while waiting to be called for the council meeting.

Since her twenty-first birthday—and therefore her coronation—was only two years away, she would be starting to pick members of her council from that day until she turned twenty. It was tradition, starting a few days prior to the heir's nineteenth birthday.

A knock sounded at the door, pulling Seraphina out of her thoughts.

She raised from the bed and made her way over, pulling the doors open.

"Your Highness." The male guard before her bowed, despite the numerous times she'd told him and all the others not to. "You have been summoned to the council room."

"Thank you," she said softly, following him out.

Seraphina busied herself with fidgeting with her necklace on their way down, her mind wandering on their walk—sometimes to pleasant places, sometimes to places she wished she didn't have to think about, other times to places that were one pleasant but no longer.

And when Salvatore entered her mind, she quickly shook her thoughts of her head and thought instead to her favourite treats, something that would make her happy—sugar buns.

She would make a batch later in the evening with extra sugar, she decided—and some brownies for Diana.

She saw the aforementioned waiting for her outside the council room, confusion twisting her features as she looked ahead and waited for Seraphina. When she noticed her, she relaxed with relief and easiness, the tension in her shoulders melting away.

"Why did you have me called here?" she asked as Seraphina walked over to her, thanking the guard as he waited by the door. "For over twenty minutes, as well."

"I want you by my side today at the meeting," she said, giving her a smile. Diana only responded with an uneasy look instead. "It will go well, okay?" she assured her. "It is not something drastic." Then, she added, "Maybe to you."

"What is that supposed to mean? You are not allowed to be so vague."

"Come on," she said with a smile, walking through the doors.

Diana groaned behind her and followed, shaking her head with clear disapproval.

The room had seats in the first half of the large room going around in the shape of a circle that faced and ended at a dais at the far end, where five thrones sat.

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