𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒗𝒆. happy nineteenth

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s e r a p h i n a

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On her nineteenth birthday, Seraphina woke to Diana rolling in a tray with food on it. Despite not being able to see under its silver cover, she could make out the smell of baked goods and lots of sweetness.

She sat up with a grin, her white, cotton, full-sleeved nightgown ruffled and having slid up to her upper thigh over the night. She pulled it back down to her knees, giddy with excitement and beaming as she crossed her legs under each other and smiled at Diana.

"Happy nineteenth, Sera," she said, smiling just as widely as her as she set the breakfast tray on her lap. "I made sure the cooks had all your favourites ready for today."

Diana sat down beside her, her grey attire like a smudge amongst all the white.

"Thank you," she said softly, pulling off the lid.

Diana set it aside for her, the metal clanging as it was placed on the trolley.

Seraphina was immediately met with the warm scent of dough and sugar, and she smiled when she saw a plate of sugar buns beside two small condiment bowls filled with melted milk chocolate and white chocolate respectively, a few honeybuns, vanilla bean ice-cream with light honey drizzle, and a slice of mouthwatering gooey chocolate cake.

"You have quite the sweet tooth," she remarked.

"I know," she laughed, reaching for the sugar buns immediately and stuffing half of one into her mouth. "But they just taste so good," she said, her words muffled slightly by the sugary bun.

"Sera! You cannot have the sugar buns first! The cake comes first—it is tradition."

"Oh no." She pouted. "I suppose it is too late now."

Diana rolled her eyes playfully with a small smile. Seraphina giggled to herself, dipping her small buns into the chocolate dips until they were gone, and then she moved to eating the honeybuns with small spoonfuls of ice-cream or sips of hot chocolate in between.

"Slowly," she said, eyes widening slightly. "I understand you are hungry but you need to slow down. You could get bloated, or have an upset stomach, or choke."

"Don't be so pessimistic, Di. I will be fine," she assured her, speaking through small mouthfuls of chocolate cake. "Mm. This tastes so good. I need the recipe."

"Maybe if you eat slow you can get it. So you do not choke."


"We also need to talk about your schedule today," she said. Seraphina looked up as she swallowed a forkful of the cake. "After breakfast, you are going to have a bath, then get ready for the ball." She nodded. That was standard. "Your mother also asked me to put some sense into you and make you change your mind."

Seraphina sighed softly, setting her fork down. "No, Di. I am sorry that I cannot give her this, but I am not changing my decision. I want you on my council. You are like my sister. I trust you with everything I have, and I know you are incredibly smart. You would do great."

"Sure, if you are trying to have an open-minded council who will be called sensitive and inadequate and unable—not to mention unfit to rule."

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