𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆. light completes darkness

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s e r a p h i n a

☽ ☾

Her family had been relieved to see her back in the morning, and Seraphina made sure to explain what had happened, but they'd assured her they'd already known and had simply wanted her to be okay.

She'd spent the rest of the day with Diana, who had tried her hardest to hide her blush when she told her about Kol, and the girls sat together in her bed, playing a variety of board games and doing each other's hair and talking about everything to nothing.

She had noticed how busy her parents had seemed that day, how angered her father was, so when it was late enough that it was just before she went to sleep, she approached him in his study.

"Father?" she asked, playing with the cotton of her calf-length nightgown.

"Yes, dear?" he asked, looking up at her and giving her a smile. It didn't do anything to hide the crease between his eyes, nor the hardness in them.

"Why have you and Mother been so stressed today?" She approached the desk he sat at. "Is there something I should know?"

He sighed deeply. "Yes." He shook his head. "We are getting close to finding out who all had been involved in ruining your birthday ball," he said.

Her heart stopped.

"It is okay," she said. "You do not need to search for them. It was not something damaging."

"Your like—and dare I say it, respect, even—for these creatures is blinding your sight, dear. They broke into your home, ruined your own celebration, dirtied our things and our place"—she frowned—"and yet you think they should go unpunished for it all."

"Please do not hurt them," she said. "Let me deal with this. Please. I can talk to them. Make sure they never do something like this again. Maybe if we just give them what they want—"

"No. You are not to go anywhere near this. I knew you would suggest as much, so I will only tell you what has happened afterwards. Now—go to bed. It is getting late and you have had a long few days. Go to sleep, dear."

"Father..." she whispered, a plead in her voice.

"Goodnight, Sera. I love you."

She sighed. "I love you, too."

He gestured for her to lean closer, and when she did, he pressed a kiss against her head.

"Go to your chambers and get some rest. You need it. Do not fret about this. It will all be okay. It will be over by tomorrow night. I promise you."

Maybe for him. But not for the people at the ball. Not for Salvatore and his family and loved ones.

Seraphina quickly hurried back to her chambers, guilt clawing away at her as she realised she knew exactly what her father was planning but would not be able to warm them. She had no means to tell them, not unless she snuck away to Salvatore's manor.

Could she...?

Seraphina closed and locked the doors, thinking to herself.

She had until tomorrow to warn them. She would simply leave early in the morning and claim she had left her shawl there—which was entirely truthful. It was a believable excuse, especially since it was her favourite one.

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