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The 3 girls make their way into the school. Cher watches as Sidney jogs up to her boyfriend, Billy. Cher crosses her arms with jealousy. She's always had a thing for him ever since last year. Tatum and Cher walk up to them two. "Hey, lovebirds" Tatum smiles. Billy nods as in 'hello' then looks at Cher then back at Sidney. "Aren't they cute together?" Tatum whispered to her. "Yep.." Cher fake smiled.

Tatum continues praising them as Cher just stands there with her blonde hair strains blowing in her face. I don't know what he sees in her, she isn't THAT pretty, well..maybe a little, does he like me secretly? I wish I was her right now.."I wish I was her.." Cher accidently says out loud. The three look at her confused. "What?" Sidney asked. "Nothing! I was just..creating a story in my head" she fake smiled again.

"Well, it sure does sound interesting" Tatum laughed "I can probably make it interesting" she smirks trying to impress Billy. She looks over at him to see that he's giving Sidney attention. Cher rolls her eyes. "Be right back..!!" She groans and jogs to the bathroom. She walks in and sees the popular girls. "Oh, my god! Hey, Cher!" "Hey" the popular girls only liked Cher because she dressed like one of them. "You never come in the bathroom for privacy so what is it, girl?!" They both smile while putting on their red lipstick.

Cher rolls her eyes playfully smiling and blushing. The two girls look at eachother giggling. "Billy!!" They both say at the same time. Cher salutes playfully while turning red. "You could totally steal him from Sidney!" "Ya!" They smack their gum. "You kidding me?! That girl is my best friend!" They look at eachother with disgusted faces. "Her..?" "Oh, ew.." she shakes her head. "Resspecttt, bitches!!" They laughed like Cher was an idiot and walked out the bathroom.

"Why can't he just like me instead?" Cher asked while looking in the mirror. She brushed her hair with her fingers and straightened her tight plaid dress then wiped the fuzz off her white shirt. "Perfect!" She blew a kiss at her reflection and left the bathroom.


In class, Cher kept on letting her eyes shift from Billy to Sidney every time they whispered to eachother. She loved Sidney as a best friend, but when your best friend is dating your crush? Eh..
She takes out her notebook and starts drawing Billy and biting her lip each second he nibbles on his pencil. He then turns to look at her without her noticing since she's focused on drawing him.

"That looks good, but add a bit more strains of my bangs" he startles her. "Oh- thanks and I will" she smiled and he smiled back and looked down at her lips for a couple of seconds before turning back around. Cher starts mentally freaking out. Oh, my god! Oh, my god!- she gets caught off guard when she sees Sidney look at her with a bit of a mad look. Her heart races nervously and she looks back down at her notebook to do what Billy told her to fix.

This is going straight over to him after class, she thought. She layed her face on her palms dreamingly smiling at him, but also making sure that Sid won't notice.

~Billy Loomis x OC~ [Scream Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now