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Cher walks inside her house but then her eyes widen. "Cher? Why are you home so late?" Her dad asked as he walks by her. She shuts her eyes in annoyance. "It's curfew-" "sorry, daddy, I forgot something, be right back" she cuts him off and runs back out the house. She had forgotten her sweater at Stu's. She hurries across the street but then her eyes widen again.

She sees Dewey and Gale Weathers laying on the porch "dead". She gasps and runs up to the porch. "Miss Weathers! Dewey!" She shakes them but sees a knife in Dewey's back. She covers her mouth shocked and now scared. She slowly opens the door and widens her eyes when she sees Billy and Stu covered in blood and..SIDNEY BEING HELD HOSTAGE?!

Cher accidently makes the floor creak making them all turn towards her. "Cher.." Billy lowers his knife that he was pointing at Sidney. "I..I was just leaving" Cher quickly opens the door again and almost makes her way out. "No!" Billy gives the knife to Stu and runs towards Cher and grabs her arm. She turns around with fear and looks him in the eyes. "Don't go..!" He pleaded. "But-" "this" he points towards Sidney and Stu, "has nothing to do with you, babe."

Cher's eyes widen at the name call. "Come here" he drags her by holding her arm and takes her into the kitchen. "I just forgot my sweater here-" "shhhhh.." he hovers his finger over her lips. Sidney furrows her eyebrows and shifts her eyes between them two. "It's right here" he whispers grabbing her sweater. She tries to take it but he holds it back.

"Nuh uh" he smirked. "Billy-" "earn it, baby" he said coldly. Cher stood there not knowing what to do. "How..?" She wanted her sweater back, it's fucking chilly outside. "I know you love me, Cher" he looked at her. "I fucking knew it..-" "shut the fuck up, cont!!" Billy yelled at Sidney, then looking back at Cher. "Confess" he waited.

There's no other way, Cher. "I..I do love you.." "for how long has this fever been going on?" He asked staring at her. "Since last year.." Sidney rolls her eyes. "And you didn't tell me?" He asked. "I couldn't, I didn't want to ruin the friendship between any of us-" Billy cuts her off by smashing his lips onto Cher's. "OooooHHHH!!" Stu praises pointing the gun at Sidney so she won't do anything.

He slowly pulls away. "It's not ruining the friendship if I love you, too, Cher" he smiled a little. Her heart jumps. "Y-You do..?" "I have ever since I saw you last year.." he moves her blonde strands of hair and tucks it behind her ear. "I love you, Cher" she hesitates for a second. "I love you, too, Billy" he smiles widely and kisses her again. "Ugh..." Sidney looks down getting upset and grossed out.

"Nothing goes your way, huh?" Cher taunted Sidney. Billy chuckles and starts kissing Cher's neck and chest making hickeys. "We'll leave you guys alone, move it, Sid!!" Stu said. "I SAID MOVE IT!" He yelled making her startle and run into the living room. Cher moans lowly as he hits her good spot on her neck. "Will you be my girlfriend, Cher?" Billy looked at her. "Of course I will" She smiled.

They both smile widley, then startle when they hear Stu fire a bullet. Billy runs into the living room and sees Sidney laying dead. "Jeez, that was my job, moron!!!" "She was getting annoying!!" "Now we gotta kill her dad.." Billy rolls his eyes and tilts his head back.

They both come into the kitchen and shoot the man on the ground. Cher startled on each shot. Billy walks back over to her and shows her sweater. She tries to take it again, but he moves it away. Cher crosses her arms smiling annoyed. "You won't need this anymore, you look sexy without it anyway" he smirked getting horny. She bites her lip. "Was that you?" "What?" "Did you come to my house the other day and makeout with me?" "It was the best session ever" he laughed a little.

"Of course it was" she chuckled.

1 Hour Later

The three of them are all inside Dewey's police car driving away and into a new city. Billy puts his hand on Cher's thigh and grabs her hand and kisses it. She leans in and kisses him and he puts his hand on her cheek to deepen it. "Eww" Stu made a weird face.

The end

~Billy Loomis x OC~ [Scream Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now