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"So! Cher.." "so! Randy..." he clears his throat and claps his hands together looking at her. "You like anyone?" "What?! Hell no!" She laughed but with nervousness. "Tell us~" Tatum taunted. "I don't like anyone!" They both stared at her with looks saying 'stop lying'. "Okay, okay! Maybe just a little.." she gave in. "And who would that lucky person be?" Randy flickered his eyes. "I'm not telling you!" Cher rolled her eyes. "It's probably somebody that I like" Sidney butted in making the I bold.

"Why would you have a crush on someone while you're already taken?" Cher raised an eyebrow. "I don't, it's just that I've been seeing you up Billy's ass all year" she squinted her eyes. Ooooooooooooooo! Cher rolls her eyes at everyone. "As if!" Cher laughed it off. "Really, because it looked like you-" "Sid, it's not worth it" Tatum whispered to her. Cher selfishly smiled, but in the inside, she kinda wanted to cat fight her.  "Bitch" Cher mumbled.


"I'm going to go and head home, I'm getting tired" Cher told Stu. "You can't stay?" Stu made a sad face. "It's almost midnight, dude" Cher replied. "Oh, but we were just about to party more!!" he argued back. "Didn't you just hear? Principal Himbry got murdered!" Cher bit her tongue. "So??" "So, I need to go home!" "Wait!- ugh..." Cher had already walked out of the door and started making her way into the backyard since that was her short cut home.

She then bumps into someone. "Oh, gosh! I'm sorry..-" "hey, Cher" she looked up and saw Billy. Her heart jumps and she starts to get butterflies. "Hey..!" She smiled. "You're leaving Stu's party?" He raised his eyebrows like something wasn't going as planned. "Yeah, I'm getting really tired" she smiled a little. "You sure you don't wanna just..go back?" He pointed. "I can't, besides, it's curfew for me" he sighs a little. "Okay" Cher nods and smiles. "Bye, Billy" she waved him off and continued walking.

He checks her out from her bottom to top getting a little mad that his plan didn't go as planned. "Should've convinced her more, dumbass.." he mumbled.


~Billy Loomis x OC~ [Scream Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now