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After class, Cher teared the drawing out of her notebook and ran after Billy as he's following Sidney. She taps on his back making him turn around. "Hey, um.." she looks at Sidney for a second then smiles back at Billy. "I finished" she said giving it to him. He observes the drawing, then a little smile forms on his face. "Well, would you look at that? You fixed the bangs" he chuckles. "Or I atleast tried" she laughed nervously, then tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "I'm sure I can do better than that" Sidney butts her head in.

"I mean-no offense at all, Cher, but.." she takes the drawing from him and points at a part. "You kind of messed up on the finger" she gives Cher the fakest smile ever. "It still looks good" Billy smiled. Sidney rolled her eyes and Cher noticed but just didn't care. "Thanks!" She smiled widely then left. "Okay- really, Billy?" Sidney crosses her arms. "What? It's just a drawing!" "Okay, but..!" She groans. "But what?" Billy shakes his head. "Nevermind!" She storms away.

Billy rolls his eyes and looks at the drawing some more. "I love you too, Cher" he whispers to himself. He does an evil smile knowing that he's about to cause some trouble later.


"No..no..no..ew! Absolutely not!" Cher is currently trying to find an outfit for tomorrow, but a lot of the outfits that she bought just aren't her type. The telephone then rings. "Ugh!" She walks over to the telephone and picks it up and runs her hand through her hair. "Hello?" "Hello, Cher" she pauses her hand and furrows her eyebrows with a little smile. "Who is this?" "You tell me" "telemarketer?" She then laughs at her teasing. The person on the other line chuckles when he hears her laugh.

"Wrong, darling" "uh..I don't know then.." "what are you doing, Cher?" "I'm not sure if I should tell you, we just met" "you're right, but..! If we play a game and you win, I'll tell you my name and if you loose, I'm going to come and visit you" "what game?" "Horror movie trivia"

"You kidding me..? Fine" "First question, killer in Halloween" "Micheal Myers!" She jumps up smiling. "Atta girl..now..killer in Friday the 13th" "shit..umm...-" "wrong!" "Wait, what?! I didn't even get to say the answ-" all of the sudden, a person dressed up like a ghost comes flying into her room making her scream. He jumps on top of her and she falls. "MOM!!-" He covers her mouth as she struggles out of his grip. He then puts his hand over her eyes to shield her from what she's about to see.

She screams through the muffles. The killer takes off his mask and quickly uncovers her mouth, then smashes his lips onto hers. Cher stops screaming and freezes. Why did it feel like she actually liked it? He leaves his hands shielding her eyes and then she wraps her arms around his neck. It turns out into a makeout session and it gets heated up that he accidentally unshields her eyes.

Luckily for him, she had her eyes closed the whole time they were making out. She didn't know who this was but their kisses were putting her in heaven. The way he kissed her neck, jawline, and the top part of her breast. She felt so focused that she didn't even notice that the person left her room. Cher shoots up from her bed and runs out her room and starts looking everywhere around her house thinking the person was still there.

"Shit..!" She wines. It must've all been a day dream, she thought. It didn't feel like it though!! It was definitely real!! She atleast felt relieved that her parents weren't home right now.

~Billy Loomis x OC~ [Scream Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now