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"Cher, honey!! Dinner time!!" Her mom called. "Ugh..coming!!" Cher is trying to find the number that called her earlier. "Where the hell is it..?" She gets frustrated. "Know what..? Who cares!" She rolls her eyes. "It was probably just a player anyway!" She rolls her eyes and heads out her room to go downstairs. She sees mixed vegetables with mash potatoes and chicken. Better than having her dads left over pasta from last night. "So, honey, how was school today?" Cher doesn't answer but just instead stabs at her chicken.

"Cher!" Dad tries getting her attention. She looks up. "Yes?" Her mom puts her drink down. "Somethings on your mind, what is it?" "Nothing important" Cher tiredly sighs. "How about you go to bed after dinner, okay?" She nods and eats her food.


Cher heads inside her room but then the telephone rings. She runs over to it and picks it up hoping it's the mystery person. "Hello!?" "Cher! You are not going to believe what happened at Sidneys!" She groans a little when she hears Tatum. "What happened?" "Someone came in and attacked her!" "Oh no, is she okay?!" "She'll be fine, I'm just taking her to my house but I'll see you tomorrow!" She hangs up. Cher isn't all that concerned unless somebody's dying.


Cher's mom is driving her to school since she felt too tired to walk. "Did you not get any sleep last night?" Her mom asked. "I had to get up 6:00 AM, mom" "I know I know" she sighs. Her moms pulls up in front of the school and Cher gets out. She sees Stu and runs up to him. "Hey! Where's Tatum?" "Inside at her locker I think" Billy then walks up to him seeing Cher and grins. Cher blushes and looks down smiling. "See you in a second or two!" She runs inside the school with Stu following her since they're both going to go see Tatum.

"Tatum!" She jogs up to her and sees Sidney. Sidney avoids looking at Cher. "You okay, Sid?" Cher asked her just to try and be nice. "I'm fine" she replied back still not looking at her. Then a person dressed in a ghost mask and costume comes running up to them screaming and gets all up in peoples faces. Cher and Stu couldn't help but laugh. "You kidding me?!" Sidney got annoyed. "It's like Christmas in here!" Stu laughed making Cher laugh more.

"Stupidity, Stu!" Tatum hits him. Sidney runs away crying but then Cher sees her bump into Billy. She huffs and crosses her arms jealous again. Me or her? Cher thought to herself with jealousy again.

~Billy Loomis x OC~ [Scream Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now