05 - You're Gold, Amber

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-Amber's P.O.V-

"How long has he been unconscious?"

"One hour and counting."

"Don't call Dr. Paige."

"She won't be pleased with this, Jensen."

"Do your job and I'll do mine."

The guards had come in late. Lincoln had started to turn and before I could quickly alert myself in defense, he had jumped on me. It all happened in a flash that by the time I realized that he had turned into a Crank, I already had part of my left arm flesh ripped out.

So here I was, screaming my lungs out as a screeching scream erupted from the deepest places inside me. I didn't black out when he attacked me and left me there to bleed out while he devoured my skin.

Rather I could just stare at him eat what was once mine. I was terrified, horrified that part of my skin was missing. And it hurt like hell. As if acid had slipped on me, like hellfire burning me, and the endless blood spilling made me nauseous.

The scientists tried to hold me down, but I was in so much pain I couldn't stop screaming. I was also crying insanely hysterically. What was I supposed to do? Stay quiet while I could almost see my bone.

A sharp small feeling is punctured in my chest and slowly I start to feel myself get lightheaded and the pain starts to become a tingle. I don't know what they gave me, but for the first time, I was glad for WICKED. Even if they were the ones to put me in this situation.

My throat was dry and it hurt to gulp down the saliva I was making. The light shining over me gave me a migraine and as I tried to adjust my eyesight to it, nothing seemed to progress. My vision was still blurry and I didn't remember much of what happened.

As I regain consciousness little by little, a clearing of the throat startles me. I look to the doors way to see that monster of Janson sitting on the way. He had this sadistic and satisfied look. A smirk plays on his lips causing me to feel the thump of my heart fasten.

"What happened?" I asked him, sitting up. I hissed when the pressure of my body set on my left arm and fell to the side, losing strength. I see a white bandage enveloped on it and flashbacks flood me.

I gasp, using my right hand to touch the area. The minor touch hurts all over again. I feel tears pool in my eyes again.

"Yeah, I wouldn't touch it." he sounds almost humored by my pain.

I glare at him, my eyes trying to manifest all of my hatred, anger, and fury towards him. If I could burn him with my sight he'd be ashes - not even ashes, non-existent. "You did this to me." I spat.

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