The News

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"Victoria?" Victor asked as he and Victoria made their way to the parlor later that evening. "Is there something you'd like to tell me?"

"Hmm?" Victoria asked innocently.

"You've been nothing but quiet during the entire ride back home. Forgive me, but clearly something is going on."

"Oh! Um..."

"Dear, come on now; you know that you can talk to me about anything. I won't judge, I promise. So tell me what the doctor said. Is it serious?"

"Well, I... suppose you could say that..." Victoria nodded, wrapping an arm around her middle.

"Well, what is it...?" He asked worriedly.

"Um... You might want to sit down for this, Victor." Victoria suggested.

Victor was confused, but he nodded his head sympathetically and sat down on the sofa before his wife sat down beside him and folded her hands on her lap.

"Victoria, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Well, I'm not ill, Victor. I'm not ill at all." Victoria declared before looking at her husband with a sparkle in her eyes. "But, you see... the truth is, I... I'm pregnant."

The moment those last two words escaped Victoria's lips, Victor's mouth fell open and his eyes widened at what he had just heard.

"W-w-w-w-what did you just say?" He stuttered, making sure he heard that last sentence right.

Victoria nodded and gave her husband a bright smile. "I'm going to have a baby."

Victor blinked a few times. "Is this... true? Y-you're really... pre-preg..."

She nodded again. "Yes Victor, you're going to be a father."

Victor stared at his wife for a few moments; his eyes glanced down at her stomach then back at her face. Suddenly and without warning, he grabbed her by the midsection, stood up, and he began spinning his wife around the room with an enormous, joyful smile on his face.

"Darling, this is fantastic!" He cheered, laughing enthusiastically all the while.

Victoria laughed along with him. "I knew you would be excited!"

"Excited? You don't know the half of it! I'm thrilled! Overjoyed, even!"

"Well, I'm ever so happy you are!"

The couple hugged and laughed for a good few minutes before finally calming down and sitting back on the sofa. Victor couldn't believe it; in a matter of months, he was going to become a father. At one point, he might've fainted after hearing such news, but his adventure in the Land of the Dead and his experience with Barkis shook off some of his timidity. When you face sentient corpses, sword wielding maniacs, and nearly drink a cup of poison to marry a dead woman... not much seems all that scary anymore. He was actually thrilled about this; he was going to have a son or daughter to call his own. A new life would be created from his and Victoria's love.

"How long...?" He asked.

"Dr. Lester said I'm roughly six weeks in." Victoria replied.

"Six weeks? So our child will be here by summertime?"

"Seems like it. The doctor also said that the baby should be here by late May or early June."

Victoria smiled wrapped her arms around her husband in a hug as Victor smiled at her and placed his hand on his wife's belly; she put her hand on his before the two shared a quick kiss. Both Victor and Victoria knew they had been married for a whole year now, but they felt they were ready and very eager to start a family of their own. Now all they had to do was wait.

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