Tender Moments

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Victor and Victoria were lying in bed side by side one cool night. The moonlight shone through the gossamer curtains and lit up the floor, the curtains gently blew about in the nighttime breeze.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Victor asked softly.

"Indeed it is." Victoria answered.

"The moon is so bright tonight; I think I can almost see its shape through the curtains. It almost hurts my eyes."

"I know... but I don't feel like getting up right now. Do you?"

"Hmmmmm... no, not really. No."

"Thought not. It is breathtaking, though."

"Yes, it is... You know what I read once?" Victor asked through a yawn.

"No, what?" Victoria asked.

"That sleeping in the moonlight can make people go mad."

"What? Really?"

"Yes... Well, that's what I read at least."

"How intriguing... Tell me, is it just sleeping in the moonlight that makes you go mad or can you go mad from just being in the moonlight?"

"I don't recall whether or not that was specified. All I remember was that the book said that sleeping in the light of the moon could cause madness... I guess that's why it's called 'lunacy.'"

Victor smiled and chuckled at his own joke.

"Yes, I suppose that would certainly make sense." Victoria replied with a giggle in her voice. "I mean, just look at us."

"What do you mean?" Victor asked, raising an eyebrow curiously.

"Most of the people we know call us a bit mad."

"Is that so? Well, the joke's on them. I personally don't view being mad as a bad thing."

"You don't?"

"Heavens no. When I was a child, I learned from experience that madness isn't as terrible as people think. And now I believe all the best people are mad. But I suppose for you to fully understand what I mean, you'll have to be in here."

Victor tapped the side of his head with his finger and slyly smiled as Victoria giggled at his comment; she reached out to grasp her husband's hand.

"I suppose you're right... and I don't mind a bit."

"I love you, Victoria."

"I love you, too."

Victor glanced over at Victoria again. As soon as they made eye contact, they couldn't help but smile. After a moment, they looked deep into each other's eyes before Victor reached out and pulled Victoria closer to him before placing his hand on her slightly rounded abdomen.

"You have very strange parents, little one." He said, giving his wife's belly a gentle pat. "Once you're here, we can be a trio of oddballs instead of just a pair."

Victoria smiled and placed her hand on Victor's.

"If this is being an oddball, I don't think I want to be normal." She said before she thought of something. "Victor? Which are you hoping for?"

Victor raised a curious eyebrow and said, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, what are you expecting the baby to be? A boy or a girl?"

"Oh! Well... I don't know. I suppose I haven't really thought about it until now. But I don't think it really matters to me, Victoria. I'll be happy either way."

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