Choosing a Proper Name

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Late one evening, Victor was sitting at the piano in the parlor while Victoria was comfortably sitting on the sofa nearby and thinking about which song she'd like to hear.

"Dear, you might not believe this, but the baby seems to like your music." She giggled as she rubbed her abdomen.

"Is that so? Well, I can't deny two requests, now can I? What shall it be, my dear?" Victor asked, smiling and raising an eyebrow.

"How about... something new for a change?" She suggested.

"Hmmmm, something new... I know. How about this?" Victor said before cracking his knuckles and beginning to play.

As Victor's fingers glided across the piano's keys, Victoria smiled; this song was a little different from what she first expected, but it was very beautiful, just like all of the songs Victor plays. She closed her eyes and nodded her head along with the rhythm; as she listened, she thought she could hear Victor softly humming along as he played. Then the humming slowly inclined into full-on vocalizing; she was entranced. When the song slowly faded to a stop, Victoria smiled and clapped her hands in applause as Victor bowed his head and proudly grinned.

"That was wonderful! Bravo!" Victoria exclaimed. "Wherever did you learn that?"

"You said you wanted to hear something different, so I decided to play a song I've been working on." Victor replied proudly.

"A song you composed?"

He nodded and smiled proudly.

"Well, I loved it. And I very much enjoyed your singing... and I believe the baby did too." Victoria said before standing up, going over to the piano, and sitting down next to Victor.

"Well thank you, my dear." Victor said, placing a kiss on his wife's cheek.

Suddenly, a thought popped into Victoria's head.

"Victor, what are we going to name the baby?" She asked.

"Name it?" Victor asked as he placed a hand on her round tummy. "Well, I don't know. Is the baby going to be a girl or a boy?"

"Hmmm... I'm not sure." Victoria replied. "I suppose we'll just have to be surprised. But for now, how about we pick out two names? One if it's a boy and one a girl, hmm?"

"Good idea." Victor laughed, rubbing Victoria's stomach.

The pair sat there in silence for a good few seconds, thinking of fitting names for their baby. Finally, Victor came up with one.

"How about Vincent?" He asked.

Victoria shook her head in disagreement.

"No, that sounds too much like your name." She replied. "And between you and me, I want you to be my only boy whose name begins with a V."

"Fair enough." Victor chuckled, kissing his wife's forehead with an amused smile.

"How about Fredrick or Arthur?" Victoria asked.

"Ooh, no... I've never been fond of either of those names. Sorry." Victor laughed.

"It's alright. And you know... I don't think I fancy those names myself." A giggle escaped Victoria's throat as she wondered where she even got those names.

Finally, Victor thought of the perfect name; he smiled. "Oh, I know! How about Edward? I've always thought it a rather charming name."

"Hmm, Edward Van Dort... I like the sound of that. What about a middle name?"

Victor shook his head and replied with a small yawn, "Let us think of middle names another time. For now, I'd like to hear some girl's names before I fall asleep sitting right here."

Victoria giggled as she placed her hand on her husband's. "Very well, but I think we both know what we want to name the baby if it's a girl."

"Emily." They said in unison, then they smiled at each other and kissed.

It was perfect. Who wouldn't want to name a baby after the Corpse Bride who had such a big and wonderful impact on their lives?

Victoria glanced over at a nearby window when suddenly a blue butterfly flew into the room.

"Victor, look!" She gasped.

Victor turned his head in that direction and saw the little creature coming towards them. The butterfly flew across the room and landed on Victor and Victoria's hands, kissing their skin. Then, it flew out the window and back outside. They smiled.

"Goodbye, Emily..." They whispered.

They lovingly stared into each other's eyes and Victor leaned down and gently placed a kiss on Victoria's belly before they shared another kiss and stood up to head upstairs for bed.

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