A Little Sibling

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"Emily!" A shrill familiar voice called.

Little Emily Van Dort gasped in surprise, paused, and glanced over to see all four of her grandparents looking at her. She stood straight and froze in fear at the sight of them.

"Y-y-y-y-y-yes?" Emily asked nervously.

"What in the blazes do you think you are doing, child?" Finis asked.

"I was just... trying to... play the piano." Emily replied shyly.

"Perish the vile thought." Finis scolded.

Maudeline scoffed and shook her head in response to her granddaughter's answer. "My dear, why must you waste your time with such frivolous pursuits such as music?"

"Uh, fr... friv... frivo... what?" Emily tried to say.

"Oh, there's no need for all that. The girl was just having a bit of fun." William said.

"That's right. There's nothing wrong with liking music, ain't that right darling?" Nell asked, patting Emily's head.


"Just you wait until your father gets here." Finis said. "Then he should give you a good—"

"Give who a good what?" Victor's voice asked.

Emily looked to where the voice was coming from and her demeanor instantly changed from frightened to excited at the sight of her father enter the room. Victor walked over to her and gave her a little kiss on the forehead followed by a kind smile.

"There's my beautiful little girl. Did you have a good time?" Victor asked.

"Yes..." Emily began before keeping quiet in front of Maudeline and Finis.

Victor looked up and gave his in-laws a disapproving glance complete with a raised eyebrow.

"What did you say to her?" He asked with a stern tone in his voice.

"Well... your daughter was trying to play the piano... Rather poorly, really." Finis commented.

"And she was singing as well..." Maudeline added.

"Is that so?" Victor asked.

"Yes, she was. And I must say, Victor, little Emily here has a glorious voice." William said.

"Definitely, never heard anything like it... especially from a girl her age." Nell concluded.

"I see..." Victor said before looking back at his daughter. "Emily, darling... would you care to show me what you were doing before?"

Emily smiled up at her father before she softly cleared her throat and began to sing.

"Nothing's gonna harm you

Not while I'm around

Nothing's gonna harm you

My dear, not while I'm around

Demons are prowling everywhere nowadays

I'll send them howling, I don't care, I've got ways"

Victor smiled before he began to hum along; he quickly recognized this song as the lullaby he would sing to Emily to help her fall asleep.

"No one's gonna hurt you

No one's gonna dare

Others can desert you

Not to worry, whistle I'll be there

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