The Baby Arrives

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It was now Victoria's ninth and final month of her pregnancy. Her due date was just around the corner, at the end of the week. She and Victor had finished painting the nursery and bought all of the supplies. All they had to do was prepare Victoria for the birthing process. Luckily, Mrs. Robinson was more than glad to talk to Victoria about what was to happen. Victor was shut out of the room because birth talk was strictly for women. He wasn't entirely sure if he wanted to know what would happen anyway; the female anatomy itself was an extremely complicated and rather frightening topic to him, after all. After thinking about it, Victor immediately decided that he really didn't want to know what they were talking about and headed downstairs.

It was 8:00, Friday night just as Victor and Victoria were getting ready for bed. Victoria lay in her nightgown in bed, nervous and excited, when a strange popping sensation hit her lower body. The bed grew wet beneath her; her eyes grew large.

'Oh dear...'

Victoria began to panic and started whimpering. Victor heard Victoria almost immediately and when he sat at her side, he was confused by the wetness of the sheets.

"Victoria? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Victor... the baby is coming!" Victoria replied, her voice quiet and shaky.

This news sprang Victor off of the bed and right back onto his feet. He ran down the hall as fast as he could to get Mrs. Robinson who came out and followed him back to the bedroom. Victor lit a lamp and held Victoria's hand.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Van Dort. You can do it." Mrs. Robinson said reassuringly.

"Are you alright, dear?" He asked. Victoria nodded before letting out a cry of pain.

Victor decided that it was high-time for him to leave. He gave Victoria a quick kiss and a hug, thanked Mrs. Robinson, and abruptly left. He ran downstairs and quickly called his parents' house. He knew that his mother was probably going to be extremely cross with him for phoning at this hour of the night, but he needed his father to come over for moral support. The newly-hired butler, Felipe, answered the telephone.

"Hello, Van Dort residence. Who is speaking?" Felipe said.

"Felipe, this is Victor. I hate to be a bother at this hour, but this is ever so important. My wife Victoria just went into labor and I'd like for my father to come over as soon as he can. Could you please get that to him?" Victor said.

"Oh, yes! Yes, of course, sir. I shall let him know at once." Felipe replied.

"Whew. Good, thank you so very much. Again, I apologize for the time. Do forgive me." Victor hung up and after a minute, he picked up the phone again, only this time he called the doctor.

Dr. Lester answered with a deep yawn, "Hello? Dr. Nathaniel Lester, speaking."

"Doctor? It's Victor Van Dort. I hate to bother you right now, but it's very urgent that you come to my house immediately. My wife is about to have our baby and I need you to come over as soon as possible." Victor said.

"Alright, alright, Mr. Van Dort. Calm down, please; I'll be there as soon as I can, I promise." The doctor replied.

"Thank you, Doctor. I'll see you later." Victor once again hung up the phone and he began to pace the room.

After a while, both Dr. Lester and Victor's father arrived at the house around the same time. Victor let out a sigh of relief as the doctor walked towards him.

"Thank you so much for coming on such short notice, Dr. Lester." Victor breathed, running a hand through his hair.

"No problem, Mr. Van Dort. Now where's your wife?" Dr. Lester asked.

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