~Trick or Treat~

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After the peaceful moment that the two of you had together outside, you had brought him around Inazuma to show him around the place that you had been staying. Waving your greetings to some of the citizens that you had come to know during your stay in Inazuma, you also introduced Dain to them. Your heart bloomed ecstatically knowing that Dain was with you.

It became all the better knowing that you didn't have the judgemental views of the nobels of Khaenri'ah that had always bugged you that it wasn't proper to love a knight. They had always disagreed with your plans to push through your marriage with Dain but now, they weren't here to bother you anymore. You could say that that was one of the good things about you being separated from Dain for all those years.

"Dain," you asked him as you swung your hand - which was holding his - around. "How do you like Inazuma?"

"It's beautiful," he smiled. "But in my eyes, you're the most beautiful."

Blushing, you looked away from him as you covered your red face. This was the first time that he had actually pulled something like that and your heart most definitely wasn't prepared for it. But, you wouldn't ever complain about how nice it felt to hear him say something like that.

"Well-" you tried to rack your brain with a comeback.

"Well, what," Dain grinned as he pat your head. "Can't think of a comeback?"

"Dain!" You pouted as you started to speed walk away from him.

Before you could walk any further, you felt arms grab your waist keeping you in place. Tilting your head up, you were met with Dain's sparkling blue eyes that drew you in like you were sinking into the ocean.

"I'm kidding about the comeback love," Dain smiled. "But not about you being the most beautiful in my eyes. Smile my gorgeous queen."

"Stop Dain," you laughed while trying to hide your cheeks that started to get even more red than earlier. "This isn't like you. Why are you flirting so much?"

"Only for you," Dain placed his chin over your head. "Didn't you say before that you wanted to know how it felt like for someone to flirt with you?"

"You remember that?" You asked in shock since even you yourself didn't remember that moment until he mentioned it.

"Of course. I'll remember anything and everything when it comes to you."


"I'm sorry for acting like that before," Dain confessed as he spun you around to look at you. "I'll be better for you. After all, all I want is to make your life better."


"I'm sorry I'm like this," Dain said as he looked up at you as he rested his head on your legs. "I don't know much about dating or being a lover for that matter."

"It's fine," you smiled as you ran your fingers through his blonde platinum hair that you very much adored. "I didn't fall in love with you just for you to change who you are. I fell in love with you because I love who you are. Your quiet affection. Your awkward confessions. Your amazing smile. I don't want you to change so promise me that no matter what, you won't change who you are right now. Be true to yourself because the Dain inside is the Dain that I know and love."

"Y/n," Dain smiled before sitting up and hugging you. "Did I ever tell you that the reason why I fell for you is because of your kind and compassionate heart?"

The wind started to blow a little harder making your hair cover your face to which he moved away strands of your hair. Moving a little forward, he smiled as the two of you made eye contact. His beautiful eyes that glimmered like a jewel could trap you in it.

Kissing you passionately, he held your hand before placing his forehead on yours, "Whatever happens, you shouldn't change either."

"Then I guess that's a promise that we need to make to each other," you chuckled before holding out your pinky. "Promise?"

"Promise," he hooked your pinky with his own.


"Who are you?" you backed away as you stared at the Dain who was standing before you.

Staring at Dain who was standing in front of you in surprise, he now looked like a complete stranger with a smile that didn't fit his face. It was as if a different person had possessed his body. After all, you knew without a doubt that the person standing in front of you wasn't the one that you had fallen for.

He slowly tried to approach you with his hand outstretched while you continued to back away, making sure that there was enough space between the two of you that you could hear him but still run away if need be.

"I'm Dain," Dain said as he tried to continue his approach. "What do you mean by who are you?"

"You're not the Dain that I know," you shook your head, trying to steel your heart in front of the person that looked like your lover.

"I'm the Dain that you love. I love you y/n."

"No," you shook your head once again. "I know Dain. You're not him. I should have noticed it from the beginning but now I know, you're not him. What did you do with him?"

"I'm Dain!" the doppelganger shouted as he tried to grab you. "Now come here y/n."

"Stay away!" You summoned your sword and instinctively slashed your sword towards his arm which tried to grab you.

Covering your mouth, you stared at the hand that flailing around in the ground. However, unlike the blood that you had expected, wires with sparks replaced the blood and bones. Seeing this, you got into position to fight. This proved everything. The person in front of you wasn't Dain. Rather, it wasn't even human.

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