Chapter 6

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  You awake to the sound of the birds calling. The previous night had been magical. No one had ever made you feel like she could. As your eyes adjust to the room you notice that Vittoria is nowhere to be found. Typical, you think to yourself, she fucks me and then leaves me. How could i be so stupid!? Of course she only wanted a one night stand. Furious, you get up to find a note on the door.

Last night was wonderful, princess. I had to go take care of some business. I didn't want to wake you. See you tonight princess.


The note calms your anger slightly, but tonight you would return to the castle and give her a piece of your mind. You head home and pray to the gods that your mother was still asleep. Which she was, thank goodness.

The whole day you were thinking about what you would say to Vittoria. The time to meet her finally came and you were ready for it.

You arrive at the castle and notice that she had light the candles again. That was a relief because it would be so easy for you to get lost in the corridors. Finally, you approach the room to find her a waiting for you at the door. You catch her in the middle of getting dressed, she's wearing only her lingerie.

You can't help but to get lost in her beauty, taking in every last inch of her. She had tattoos marring her olive skin, which only added to her beauty.

Suddenly she says, "You ok princess?".

You open your mouth to chew her out for earlier but nothing comes out. What is it about this girl that makes it so easy for her to take your breathe away?

As if she could read your mind she says, "I'm sorry about leaving earlier, the matter was urgent. I hope you understand."

"It's ok. Do you mind me asking what you had to do that was so urgent."

"That's what I wanted to tell you. You're in real danger. "

"What are you talking about?"

"I had to leave last night because I got a letter from one of my people. We were spotted together in the streets two nights ago."


"And?! Y/n, have you forgotten who I am? It's not hard to imagine that a lot of people would want to kill anyone associated with me."

"Don't talk to me like a child, Vittoria!"

"You're right, I'm sorry, but we have to get somewhere safe now. I have a secret cabin where we will be safe. I have to protect you."

"Maybe I don't need your protecting! I'm strong and I can take care of myself."

"Damn it y/n. You can't. You just don't get it. These people will stop at nothing to kill both of us. I didn't ask to become the leader, and I sure as hell didn't ask for you to get dragged into this with me."

She pauses a moment, and then continues, " You're the only person I give a shit about. I can't lose you too, so please let me fix my mistake."

The weight of everything she told you starts to settle in. You know you have no choice but to go with her. It seems that Vittoria really cares for you, otherwise she wouldn't go through all this.

"So, are you coming or not?"

"Yes, but what about my family?"

"Y/n, if we don't go now you may never see them again. Consider this a favor to them, we are saving your life so you will be able to see them again one day."

"Alright, let's go."

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