First Day on the Job

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             The car slowed to a stop, you must have nodded off on the ride. You start to un-buckle the seat belt and took a deep breath.

"We're here princess, stay close alright?". Vittoria took a deep breath as well and got out of the car.

          You take in your surroundings, it seemed like a normal building. Nothing really out of the ordinary, which made sense. The two of you enter the building and are greeted by a tall, strong man.

"Good morning ma'am, who's accompanying you today?", the man said. His voice boomed in the fairly empty corridor.

"Morning, Angelo, this is my wife y/n.", she said so calmly. Little did she know those words made you giddy. The fake wife of the mafia boss, what has your life come to?

"Hello, y/n. I'm Angelo, head security guard. Nice to meet you.", he says.

"Nice to meet you too.", you say as Vittoria grabs your hand and begins to walk towards a nearby room.

           You can here laughter coming from the room and start to feel nervous. As if she could sense how you were feeling, Vittoria squeezed your hand to assure you that everything would be ok. The two of you enter the room, Vittoria clears her throat and the room goes silent.

"Good morning everyone, I'd like you to meet my wife, y/n. Touch her, or even look at her the wrong way and you will see just how qualified I am as your boss.", she announced. Hot damn, this woman could make you swoon without even trying.

          You receive a collective hello and Vittoria introduces you to what felt like fifty different people. Mid conversation, a woman approaches you and Vittoria.

"Excuse me ma'am, but, we have received word that there's trouble on the east end.", the messenger stated.

"Looks like it's time to take care of some business, princess.", Vittoria says to you.

          We hopped into the car, heavily armed, and rushed to the trouble. Vittoria stopped the car and looked over at you.

"Stay here, princess, you'll be safe. You can come next time, it's too dangerous right now. Keep your gun close, ok?", she said as she left thr car.

        You heard gunshots and you couldn't help but to go to the sound. Your worry for your fake wife overrode your instinct to stay in the car. You didn't get very far when you started to here footsteps behind you. You panicked, and drew your gun, but you weren't fast enough. Before you knew it you were whacked in the head with a bat. The last thing you remembered before blacking out was thinking "Oh shit."

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