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         You awake in a dark room, head throbbing. It all came crashing back to you and you start to feel your fear growing. You scan your surroundings, there isn't much to see. The room appeared to be a basement considering the walls and floors were made of concrete. You are seated on a mattress, and through the darkness you can barely make out a toilet and a large steel door.

"Great". You think to yourself.

        You start to think of potential ways of escape, but your thoughts are clouded with your hunger and thirst. The steel door creaks open and a man enters with a tray.

"I suppose if you're to be any use to us we ought to keep you alive. Here." The man said as he placed the tray next to the mattress.

        You considered running for the door, but you noticed that the man had a gun at his side. The sight reminded you of the dagger Vittoria gave you. You wondered if your captors had found it. The man clears his throat pulling you from your thoughts.

"It ain't much, but it'll keep you from starving to death." He smiled wickedly and then turned for the door.

       Your stomach ached with hunger which overruled your hesitation to eat the food. It could be laced with poison, but the man did say they wanted you alive, right? There was a piece of toast and a small amount of eggs on the tray, and a small cup of water. You quickly ate the food and then decided to see if you still had your dagger. You slid your jeans down your thighs and thankfully, your dagger was still there. You knew that you needed to make a plan for escape. But, the only way out of that cursed room was the damn door. Who knows how many more people are waiting for you if you did manage to escape the room? Escape could mean instant death, but it was your only shot at freedom. You wondered where Vittoria was and wished she was here with you. Maybe she would be able to track you down and save you? Wishful thinking, you yourself didn't know where you were or how long you were there for.

           You decided it would be stupid to try to escape until you knew more about how many people were waiting for you to try. You didn't know if it was day or night, but it didn't matter, there was nowhere to go and nothing to do. You layed on the mattress staring at the ceiling until you finally fell asleep.

Vittoria's POV

             Shit, shit, shit! How could she have gotten taken! I'm so stupid, I knew I shouldn't have let her come with me! I have to find her, but she could be anywhere. Ok, let's see she wouldn't be at their headquarters. That's too obvious. No, she has to be somewhere in their territory. How the fuck am I going to even get into their territory? They all know who I am.


"What the fuck was that?".

         I pulled out my gun and followed the sound followed by several of my mafia boys. As we rounded the corner, Suzanna Petrillo, one of the high ranking members of the Vipers had jumped out of a window of the nearby apartment buildings.

"Perfect, I have a plan. Boys, cover me. We're gonna get ourselves a prisoner of our own."

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