Chapter 8 - Memories Not Forgotten

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Hiro began to open his eyes, though something felt... off, though at the same time, familiar to him. Fully opening his eyes, Hiro realized that he was inside a familiar place of his childhood, the parasite facility of the Garden. He now found himself in the middle of a dark hallway of the facility that was devoid of any life, both of adults and children. Glancing around his surroundings, Hiro saw at the end of a hallway a brightly-lit room, where he could faintly hear noises of children playing.

Slowly walking down the hallway, with his footsteps unleashing a loud echo each time he stepped, Hiro approached the window to the brightly-lit room to see what was inside. Looking inside the room, there was a group of several children playing together. However, Hiro's eyes would focus on one particular pair of children together. He recognized one instantly, it was his younger self from years ago, and next to his younger self was a familiar-looking young girl with short blue hair.

"A name?" the blue-hair girl asked young Hiro.

"Yeah, I gave myself one!" young Hiro responded back.

"I'm Hiro."

"Why am I Ichigo?" the young blue-haired girl asked.

"Because that's how your code is read. 015, for Ichigo." young Hiro responded.

"That's... my name?" the young blue-hair girl said.

"Ichigo..." Hiro uttered to himself, "It's been so long..."


"Where have you been after all of these years?"

"Probably one of the invader's disposables now..."

"Do you even remember about me?"

"You might have forgotten me, probably like the rest of the children..."

"Would you forgive me for not seeing you for so long?"

"Even I'm not sure about that..."


"Would you even recognize me as the Hiro you once knew...?"

In a sudden flash, Hiro then found himself no longer inside the hallway of the facility and now instead found himself transported outside in the Garden from the facility. Looking around where he was, Hiro could barely make out to see where he was. The environment was quite misty and foggy, Hiro could only see the path that he was standing on top of.

"Hiro!" a familiar voice of a young girl shouted behind him.

Looking behind, Hiro saw Ichigo again, though this time she was outside with him alone as the mist began to clear up. At first, Ichigo looked pleased to see Hiro again, with a smile on her face. Though, Ichigo's happy attitude would drastically change once Hiro showed his present Klaxosaur self. Her face changed to nervous and scared as she glared at Hiro's horns, fangs, claws, and elusive bright-blue electric eyes.

Ichigo then started to frantically cry after seeing Hiro's current self.

"YOU'RE A MONSTER! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A MONSTER NOW!" Ichigo shouted at Hiro repeatedly.

"W...why are you saying this Ichigo!" Hiro thought to himself, placing his hands over his ears.

"WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BE A MONSTER!" Ichigo shouted at Hiro as she continued to cry.

"Just be quiet please..." Hiro tried to reassure himself, trying to ignore Ichigo.

"YOU BECAME A MONSTER FOR WHAT? JUST TO RUN AWAY FROM BEING HUMAN!" Ichigo continued to shout, pointing at him.

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