Chapter 10: Relocate

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So I've been meaning to post this but busy with finals and stupid TV shows that dragged away my attention. Except for Bob's Burgers. Thats a good show XD! But now on to chapter 10! WOOT!



"What are we going to do?" Tate asked worried, he stood over by the table as Nyx paced around some.

"They're searching houses-" Nyx tried to inform but was cut off by Alastair.

"I'll get capture." Alastair stated causing everyone's eyes to fall onto him quietly not expecting that. "If I do I can get closer to Alvin."

"Are you nuts?" I shook my head at his idiotic idea. "You don't have your powers, you'll easily be killed and then no one will know the truth."

"You'll know it." Alastair stated.

"...and who's going to believe me?" I mumbled not liking this plan. Nyx just let us talk it out as he glanced out all the windows moving around the house repeatedly.

It wasn't like I was actually doing something right as the prophet. The only thing I've done heroic was rescue Alastair and the kingdoms would have thought that was stupid. Maybe even traitory. I didn't have a single clue on how to make these people believe me but Alastair purple orbs seemed to trust in me completely.

"Aades." He called pulling me close. The familiar feeling returned, my heart beating crazy at the way he called my name. I groaned upset that this uneasy feeling kept falling over me confusing my thoughts.

"Listen, you shouldn't get captured." I forced past my lips but he still pulled me close. His fingers pulling at my chin to look up into those lonely eyes. If anyone else could see him like this they would know Alastair was innocent. He was just a lost child trying to protect himself the only way he knew how. 

"Um guys," Tate mumbled, my eyes going over to his as he was blushing refusing to look at us. Now he knew how I felt. "Nyx said come here." He stated leading the way.

I nodded dragging Alastair behind me. We didn't need to be distracted, we needed a reliable plan to get Alastair to a safe place till he got his powers. 

I followed the boy down the hall, his shaggy orange hair moving with every step he took. It was weird. I don't recall a character in a fairy tale like this. Maybe he was a background character only mentioned in one line of stories?

"Usually I would throw you at the Queens to get you out of our hair." Nyx growled, a animal sound rumbling in his throat as we stepped into the room. It was dimmed with the curtains closed tight. The sunlight only peaking through the edges as we all stepped to Nyx waiting. "But you did save my Tate so..." 

I stared at the two men with animal like eyes. Alastair purple, but dim yet they still sparked in the dark. Nyx's orange eyes watching over us carefully, especially Tate. He grabbed the boys hand pulling him close.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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