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Two days later...

"Look who's home!" Fiona spoke in a sing song voice as she pushed open the back door to the Gallagher house. She walked in followed by Reign who stepped cautiously into the packed kitchen with a shy smile. Then came Jay and Kelly who closed the door behind himself and stood off behind the family.

"Rei!" Debbie instantly sprang from her spot at the kitchen counter. "You're out of the hospital!"
"Reign!" Now Carl had joined the gently group hug with his eldest sister squeezed in the middle.

Jay placed Reign's bags down by the stairs and leaned over to pat Lip's shoulder who offered him a small nod. "Hey man."
"Hey Jay."

"The old neighbourhoods still intact."
"Eh, hanging in there." Ian shrugged from beside Lip, sipping his coffee with a smile. "Glad to see the house hasn't been blown up in my absence." Reign joked and Carl gave a small chuckle, "you don't even live here."

"Neither do those two but they're here often enough." Reign joked, this time addressing Kev and V who were both perched behind the bench in the Gallagher kitchen, one of the twins in each of their arms. "Missed you too." V sarcastically remarked making the two women laugh.

"Holy shit! Jay Halstead.....how's your dad?" Kev moved to shake Jay's hand, "he's doing okay- thanks Kev."
"Gosh, Pat Halstead and his boys- now that takes me back." The older man nodded his head.

"You gonna hide your meds?" Lip suddenly spoke up looking at Reign's face- her slowly healing bruises and cuts were still visible but a lot better looking then they had been. "From Frank? Hell yeah."

"What they got you on? Anything good?"
"For Frank? What do I look like? A horse." She joked and the siblings all shared a small smile.

Carl let go of his sister only to notice the man behind Jay, stood against the wall by the door. "Hey Kelly!" The young boy excitedly greeted the firefighter who as of his own addition was "the coolest firefighter he knew"- much to Reign's annoyance.

"Hey little man." Kelly smiled back. "You gonna keep an eye on your sister for me so she can come back to squad quickly?" He asked the little boy who nodded. "Oh yeah!"

"Thanks for everything Kelly." Reign nodded, "no problem Gallagher- anything you need- call.....oh and Hermann said, soon as your up to it, come to Molly's for a drink."

"Yeah Will do. Thanks."

And with that the CFD Lieutenant left with a smile and a wave for the family and friends.

"Jay, you staying for breakfast?" Fiona asked the cop who looked between her and her sister who gave him a tight lipped smile, almost like she was hiding something.

"Jay's already spent a load of time looking after us this week Fi...." The eldest said, then she turned to look at her friend's face, "you've probably gotta head out for work right, don't wanna be late?" She asked and he felt his face flush slightly under her gaze. "Oh, uh....yeah probably....I....I'll call you- and whenever you wanna do the whole Molly's drinks thing, you can-."

"I'll call." She cut him off. He awkwardly scratched at the back of his neck, "cool.....so I'll see you..."
"Yeah, see you when I see you." She leaned up and suddenly, taking him very much by surprise, kissed his cheek.

Before she pulled him into a one-armed (for her) hug. A tight, almost loving embrace. All he could smell was the faint sent of smoke and cinnamon skin oil that permeated the air around her always. Her bush brown curls flush against his face and his buried in her neck.

"Thanks Jay

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"Thanks Jay." She spoke softly. Then he smiled once more and then he felt himself pull away.


Climbing back into his car, Jay's heart was racing, his mind was too. All he could see was her eyes back in the hospital, all he could smell was her hair and her skin. All he could think was "why did I just leave?"

Meanwhile, back inside the house. Fiona turned on her sister while V gave a small snort, "you could cut the sexual tension there with a goddamn machete."

"What's sexual tension?" Debbie naively asked. "Nothing!" Reign yelled, "it's absolutely nothing! Especially with me and Jay!"
"Why the hell did you kick him out?" Fiona looked honestly dumbfounded.

"I didn't kick him out."
"I'll 'see you when I see you'? What the fuck was that?" Ian added a smirk on his lips. "Shut it gingersnap." Reign span around to point, with her good arm at her second brother.

"Is Jay your boyfriend?" Debbie mused and Reign gave an almost nervously fake laugh. "Hahah! No! No he isn't!....you know what! Fuck this!" She hid her reddening face in her sleeve before she ran half way up the stairs away from her laughing siblings and friends. "No my ass." Kev spoke. Reign's head popped back around the corner of the stairs from where it had disappeared.

"Fuck you kev!" Her good hand's middle finger followed before she was all the way out of sight.

"Reign and Jay sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-."



"Hey, what'd I miss?" Jay spoke as he walked into the intelligence bullpen twenty minutes later. "Not much- we got a few leads on our bad heroine dealer but not much. Just one of Antonio's CIs." Adam caught him up.

"How's Gallagher?" Olinsky asked the question they were all waiting to ask the Halstead detective. "Uh, yeah....yeah she's good. She's home now- has about five more weeks of recovery."

"So she's going stir crazy already? Gabby says the girl can't sit still." Antonio spoke next with a smile. "Yeah she never really was good at having patience."

"You wanna come with me to see my CI?" Adam asked and Jay shrugged, "yeah sure."


"It's weird without Gallagher here." Sylvie spoke as she and the rest of fifty-one sat around in centre of the station. "She's probably writhing to leave." Kelly spoke up next.

"How soon until she tries to come back early?" Otis asked and Cruz gave a laugh, "I give her a week."
"She's gonna be fine." Hermann said, "that girls got more balls then most of us here."

"I'm just worried about her and her sister living under the same roof." Sylvie spoke, then she suddenly sprang up as if catching her own words with horror. "Oh my god! Forget I said that! Forget you heard me say that!"

"What do you mean her sister? Fiona?" Gabby asked with a curious tilt of her head, "uhhh, yeah....yeah they uh....they're not really that ummm, Close any more."

 Reassure (Jay Halstead x OC.)Where stories live. Discover now