Chapter 5 - First Day

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Savannah's P.O.V:

I fluttered my eyes open the next morning. It was 5:30 AM, so I was sure the other girls were already asleep. I crept out of bed and tip-toed to the window. 

"Hey! Savannah, right?" asked a voice. I turned around, only to see a blonde haired girl crawling out of bed. "I'm sorry, who are you?" I asked, wondering how she knew my name. "I'm sorry, forgive me for being rude, Kate Hutchins" said the girl. 

"Nice to meet you Kate" I said, nodding. "I've been awake since 5 AM, waiting for one of you to wake up" said Kate. She seemed like extremely bubbly and energetic girl. "Well then, I'm glad I'm up" I said, as she smiled. 

"I saw you leave the hall yesterday, I'm pretty sure you didn't want to be here-in Slytherin" said Kate, pointing to the Slytherin logo on our door. "Yeah" I said, sighing. "If it makes you feel better-I didn't want to be here either" said Kate. 

"Really? But you seem so...positive" I said. "You should have seen my face when I got into Slytherin last night" said Kate. "Oh, so you're a first year?" I asked. "Yeah" said Kate. 

"Can I ask-why didn't you want to get into Slytherin?" I asked.

 "Well, I was born in New York City, you know, in America, and my parents are both pureblood, and went to Ilevermony, and we thought we would go there too" said Kate. I nodded, she spoke in a perfect British accent, how could she be from America? 

"That is, until, my older sister Cora got her acceptance letter from Hogwarts and got sorted into Ravenclaw. My parents have always been Dumbledore supports, and my sister and my parents kind of put pressure on me to get into Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, maybe even Hufflepuff, but I ruined it all, I got sorted in the worst house of all...Slytherin" said Kate, sadly. 

"Your story sounds just like mine" I said, sighing. "Really?" asked Kate. "Pressuring siblings? Tell me about it" I said, rolling my eyes. 

"Cora, she's a 3rd year, and she literally acts like my mom! And when I tell my mom about it, my mom thinks she's looking out for me" complained Kate. "More like bossing you around" I added. "Exactly" said Kate. 

"So, err, what classes do you have today?" I asked, trying to change the topic so I wouldn't think about yesterday's incident. 

"Charms, then Transfiguration, then Potions, then-" started Kate, as I stopped her. "We have the exact same timetable" I said, pulling out my timetable.

 "Okay, that's it! We were meant to be friends" said Kate, grinning.

 "No you're wrong" I said, as Kate looked at me, confused. 

"We were meant to be best friends" I said, with a smile.

Kate and I showered, put on our robes and went to walk around the school. She had the habit of walking in the morning, just like I did. 

When we were done with our walk, we went straight to breakfast. I was still not hungry, even after not eating anything yesterday, but I went to breakfast anyway. 

Suddenly, Harry walked over to the Slytherin Table, my table. 

"Savannah, can we talk?" asked Harry, quietly. "I'll be back in 5" I said to Kate, as she nodded.

 "I thought you didn't want to talk to a disgrace" I said, sarcastically. "I'm sorry" said Harry, looking down at his feet.

 "What do you mean?" I asked. "I'm your older brother, and I'm supposed to look out for you, not make you feel worse" said Harry. 

"Let me guess, Hermione told you that?" I asked, turning my head towards Hermione. "It doesn't matter who told me-it's just-I'm sorry" said Harry. 

"Can you please forgive me?" asked Harry. "Yes, if you don't do anything like this again" I warned. "Of course" said Harry. 

He turned to look at Kate. "I see you've made a new friend" smirked Harry. "Yes" I said, hoping he wouldn't say anything dumb right now.

 "Cora Hutchins' little sister, huh?" asked Harry. "How did you know?" I asked. "Cora spent all last year complaining about her" said Harry. 

"Is Cora your friend?" I asked. "Yeah, so it's fine to be friends with Kate, but don't be friends with anyone else in Slytherin, it's dangerous" said Harry. 

I was mad that he was still being SUPER overprotective, but I understood his point. Slytherin was dangerous, so I had to be careful. 

I went back to sitting next to Kate. "A little sentimental sibling talk, huh?" teased Kate. "Shut up" I said, playfully. "I wish Cora would apologize her entire life for being an ass" said Kate. I shook my head and smiled.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, Kate and I attended all our classes together and got to know each other better. I really liked Kate, she seemed like such a sweet, bubbly, energetic and fun person. 

When we finished our classes for the day, we went back to our dorm, where we met the other girls for the first time. 

"Oh hi! Welcome to our Dorm, you must be the new first years" said a girl, with long blonde hair. "Yes, we are" said Kate. 

"Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier, I'm Daphne Greengrass, this is my sister, Astoria, and our friend, Leah Rosier " said the girl, pointing to 2 other girls. 

"I'm Savannah Potter, and this is Kate Hutchins" I said. "Nice to meet you guys! We've got to make a quick stop at the Great Hall, but we'll see you later!" said Daphne, as she left with the other girls.

 A couple minutes after they left, Kate pulled out a sketchbook and colored pencils. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Drawing, it relaxes me" said Kate. "Well-I'll leave you to it, I'm going to go to the Common Room, I think I forgot my essay there" I said, as I left for the common rooms. 

"Hey Savannah" said a voice, that belonged to Theo. "Oh hi, Theo" I said, ignoring Harry's words about being friends with people other than Kate. 

"What are you up to?" asked Theo. "Just finishing some homework" I said, stacking up my papers. "On the first day of school?" asked Theo, one eyebrow raised. "I just wanted to get it done early" I said.

 "Well, er, I'm going on a walk around the Black Lake, want to join me?" asked Theo. "I would love to-but I can't, studying" I said. "Okay, well, if you change your mind-you know where to find me" said Theo, as he left the common rooms. 

(A/N: Firstly, I'm really sorry for the weird ending, I had no idea how to end it. Anyways, thanks for reading and have the great rest of your day you deserve)

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