Chapter 15 - The Riddle

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Savannah's P.O.V:

It was Saturday, and everyone in the core group wanted to meet up in the three broomsticks.

 And unlike the other times, I went alone, since Kate was still furious with me. I met Harry and everyone else at a large table in the corner of the room. 

"I have something important to tell you guys" said Harry. "What is it?" asked Brooklyn. Harry leaned in and lowered his voice. 

"Hermione, Ron and I did a little digging, and we found out that Voldemort has a son" said Harry. "What?" asked Laura. "Yes, with Bellatrix, and he's attending Hogwarts right now, like everyone else, in Slytherin" said Harry. 

"But I know everyone in our house, and there's no Riddle there" I said. "He's disguised himself, so he seems like a normal student" said Hermione. 

"Do you know anything about him?" asked Kate. "No" said Ron. "All we know is that he's exactly like his father, and he supports the Death Eaters with his life" said Hermione. 

"Can you guys work together and try to find him?" asked Harry. Kate glared at me. "I would rather try to find him alone" said Kate. 

"Did something happen?" whispered Harry, to Brooklyn. Brooklyn shrugged. "Oh yeah, Kate and Savannah got in a fight" said Luna. Harry sighed. 

"Come on, you guys. We don't have time for this, you're best friends" said Harry. "Fine" said Kate, as she left.

"Savannah, please just fix whatever happened, we don't have time for this" said Harry. "And be careful, and tell us if you find any clues" said Hermione. "Will do" I said, as I left the shop, trying to find Kate. 

"Kate! Wait up!" I shouted, as I ran towards her. "What do you want, Savannah?" asked Kate, rudely. 

"I just wanted to apologize, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to say any of that" I said. 

Kate sighed. "I know, it's just--" started Kate, as she waved it off. "You know what, forget it" said Kate. "Wait, no, tell me" I said. "I don't trust him, he seems like a player and makes you break the rules. I just don't want him to break your heart" said Kate. 

"And he won't, Kate. I promise" I said. A few moments of silence. "Now can we please go back to being best friends?" I asked. "Who said we stopped" said Kate, hugging me. 

A few hours later, I decided to meet up with Theo at the library. "So, you finally got bored and decided to spend time with me?" asked Theo. 

"Theo--" I started. "Why is it always like this, Savannah?" asked Theo. "Like what?" I asked. "Running off  when I want to spend some time with you, canceling dates because of other plans" said Theo. 

"I've got a reason--" I started. "A reason!? Of course! You're seeing someone else, isn't it?" asked Theo. I could not believe he was accusing me of cheating. 

"Theo! How could you? I thought you knew me enough to know that I would never do something like that" I said, as tears welled up in my eyes. 

"Well, maybe not! If you don't tell me the truth by tomorrow night, I'm going to break up with you" said Theo, as he left the library. 

Tears started falling down my face as I slowly left the library. I saw Hermione walk up to me from the other side of the library. "Are you okay?" asked Hermione. "Yeah, I'm fine" I said, wiping my tears and going back to my dorm. 

Hermione's P.O.V:

"Strange" I said, as I entered the common room. "What do you mean?" asked Ron. "I saw Savannah at the library, in the Arts section" I said. 

"She hates art---" said Harry, raising an eyebrow. "Exactly. And a boy left her aisle, and she came out a couple moments later, crying" I said. 

"Wait, crying?" asked Ron. "A boy left her aisle?" asked Harry, angrily. 

"Why was she crying?" asked Ron. "Who was the boy?" asked Harry. 

"She didn't tell me why she was crying" I said, slowly. I turned to Harry. "I couldn't really tell. He had black hair" I said.

 "Do you think Savannah's in a relationship?" asked Ron. "There is no way! She's not allowed to date until she's 16 and she knows that" said Harry, confidently. But I could see through his eyes, he was not confident at all. 

Savannah's P.O.V:

I decided to tell Theo everything, so I sent him a parchment to meet me at the Black Lake the next afternoon. 

Once I reached the black lake, I ripped up a couple flowers and threw them in the lake. 

"Hey" I said, when Theo finally arrived. "Ready to stop being a liar?" asked Theo. I sighed. 

"Look, my brother started this group called the Dumbledore's Army to help students learn DADA since Umbridge isn't teaching us anything. The core group of the army is on this mission to find Voldemort's son" I said. 

"The Dark Lord's son?" asked Theo. "Yes" I said. "Don't be silly, Savannah. The Dark Lord would never have a son" said Theo, shrugging it off. 

"I'm not joking. We have evidence and everything" I said. "And since I'm in Slytherin, Harry put me and Kate in charge of looking for clues of his son. That's why I'm always running off" I said.

 "Oh. I'm sorry about accusing you of cheating" said Theo. "It's okay, I wasn't being honest so I deserved it" I said. "No you didn't" said Theo. I smiled. 

"What do you think about this entire mission?" asked Theo. I leaned into Theo's ear. "I want to murder him with my own hands" I said, smirking evilly. 

Theo's P.O.V:

"What do you think about this entire mission?" I asked, hoping she would say she didn't care about it. She leaned into my ear. "I want to murder him with my own hands" said Savannah, smirking. 

Shit. I wasn't scared that Savannah would murder me, because I could literally pick her up with one hand. I was scared that she would lose feelings for me. 

"Don't you want to let Harry, or someone else do that?" I asked. "No. It's already decided. Once I find him, I get to murder him" said Savannah. 


(A/N: Hey guys! This is chapter 15! Thanks so much for reading and have the great rest of your day you deserve!)

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