Chapter 32 - Jealous, Potter?

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Savannah's POV:

It woke up in the Hospital Wing with a pounding in my head. I tried to remember lwhat happened last night, but I could barely remember anything. All I remember was getting in a fight with Theo and a guy handing me a drink before everything started blurring out. 

I saw Kate and Ginny walk in. "Sav, what the hell happened?" asked Kate. "Are you alright?" asked Ginny. "Yeah, I'm fine" I said. 

I turned to Kate.

 "I think someone spiked my drink and I just don't remember anything else" I said. "Well, how'd you get here?" asked Kate. "I don't know" I said. 

"Alright, girls. Ms. Potter here needs some rest, you can come back later" said Madame Pomfrey, as Kate and Ginny sighed. "We'll see you later" said Kate. "Bye Sav" said Ginny, as they left.

I saw Madame Pomfrey walk over to me. "Ms. Potter, are you feeling better?" asked Madame Pomfrey. "A little bit" I said.

 She handed me a vial. "Drink this, it will help you feel better" said Madame Pomfrey. "Thank you" I said, as I drank the disgusting vial. 

"You're lucky that your boyfriend brought you in so quickly, a couple more minutes and something would've happened to you" said Madame Pomfrey. 

"My boyfriend?" I asked. "Yes dear, he was worried sick about you" said Madame Pomfrey. I smiled. I thought Draco had left the party, but I guess he came back for me. 

"I need to go get a cauldron, I'll be back" said Madame Pomfrey. I nodded as she left the room. 

A couple seconds after she left, Draco walked in the room. "Sav?" asked Draco, as he rushed towards me. "How are you? Are you alright?" asked Draco. "I'm fine" I said. "Thank you Draco" I said. "For what?" asked Draco, confused. 

"Ms. Potter, you seem to have quite a bit of publicity, don't you think?" asked Madame Pomfrey. "I'm sorry, Madame Pomfrey. I'll leave. Bye Savannah" said Draco. 

Later that day, Madame Pomfrey said I was free to go back to my dorm and attend my classes. 

Daphne was sitting on her bed. "Hey Daph" I said. "Oh hey, Sav, how are you?" asked Daphne. " I'm fine" I said. 

"Did you hear, Mattheo's dating Miley" said Daphne. "Miley?" I asked. "Yeah" said Daphne. 

I felt something watery in my eyes, tears. Why the fuck was I crying? I didn't care if Theo was dating Miley...right?

A couple hours later, I went to the common room where I saw Kate and Seb sitting next to each other. 

"Sav, over here!" said Kate, as I sat down next to them. "Hey Kate" I said. "I'm so nervous about the DADA exam tomorrow" said Kate. "Oh, yeah, I forgot about that" I said. 

"Hey Kate, can I ask you something, in private?" I asked, as Seb's eyebrows raised. "Oh come on Sav, it's only Seb, unless it's that private" said Kate. 

And she thought I was too obsessed with my boyfriend.

 "So, I heard Miley's dating someone" I said. "Miley White? Who would want to date her?" asked Kate. "I don't know, like I heard she kissed someone at the party and--" I said, trying to be discreet.

 "Why do you even care about Miley's dating life? It probably sucks" said Kate. "Yeah" I said. Seb turned to me.

 "Oh, it's probably just those rumors that Miley and Theo are dating, she made it up and now she's telling the whole school" said Seb. "Oh" I said. "Yeah, you seem to have taken total offense if I said otherwise" said Seb. 

"I don't care" I said. "I don't care" mocked Seb. "I am serious, Seb. I don't" I said, sternly. "Sure you don't" said Seb. 

I hit him in the head with a pillow as he rubbed his head. 

"Bloody hell Savannah" said Seb. "I don't care about him" I said, as I gathered my things and went upstairs. 

Kate's POV:

"She cares" I said. 

Seb smiled. 

"Yeah she does" said Seb. 

(A/N: This was a filler chapter, and I tried to make it as interesting as possible, let me know if you like filler chapters or if you want to just get to the main events. Have a great day!)

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