A travelling mishap

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This is my first chapter ever made so if it really sucks, then you have every right to sue me. I will probably edit my early chapters later on. Just a note, most of the names are in Japanese since I am a big otaku so I can't help it. Now that's out of the way, enjoy :)


"Pathetic. I told you that your loyalty will cost you your life! The Grey Class is finished. Necromancy is finished."

The figure gave a smile "Don't think anything is impossible."

A gunshot is heard.


Shiro walks through the vast city and seeing hundreds of people strolling in every direction. The sunlight was brightly dawning upon them. The birds were soaring across the sky like paper airplanes.

Shiro immediately felt a rush of excitement.


She breathed in the "fresh" air before immediately coughing.

"That's weird. I've been sick ever since I arrived here..."

She was handed an information pamphlet about the city which contains a map. She held another small piece of paper which had a blue and white flower on it.

She unfolds the map "The Sapphire Gardens..."

However a heavy wind blows away the pamphlet before landing on a patch of mud.

"And on my first day too..."

She sighs as she sees two girls playing chess. The one on the left appears to be struggling.

Shiro thought "That's weird. She actually has the advantage..."

She appeared to be trembling.

Shiro knew this feeling...the feeling of dejection and discouragement.

She slowly walked behind her opponent as the player noticed her positive aura and gave a bright smile to her. The atmosphere around the player lit up completely.

She finally moved the right check-piece as she muttered "Checkmate."

Shiro smiled. The girl snaps back to her senses as she watches Shiro walk away.

Shiro realizes that there was a hole in her bag. All her supplies had fallen out...
Shiro complains while depressingly staring at the ground "The pamphlet...everything. How am I supposed to get around town now?"

Shiro suddenly felt a weird sensation. She felt it before, when her sister abandoned her... She was suddenly coughing violently and kneeling on the ground. Her head was in a mess of a disarray. She tried to desperately hyperventilate the small amount of breath that she could muster.

To her horror, she saw in a house next to her, a boy being held at his neck by a psychotic woman with a knife.

The woman seemingly didn't notice her. Shiro looked around the room anxiously and felt a sense of bad aura which lead to a wall in the basement. She was confused but when she touched it, it unexpectedly shattered as the shards faded away. Shiro's eyes widen in horror as she sees a dog trapped in a cage and chained, covered in scars and fresh blood, whimpering for it to just die and relieve the horrid pain it was suffering.

Shiro ran back and slammed the door open. The woman didn't hear her as she was ready to slit the boy's throat. Shiro saw another knife on a table and reached for it. She hesitated slightly but stabbed her own hand. The woman's attention was finally directed to Shiro and her bloody hand.

Shiro said "Let me ask you this. What color do you see?" holding up her stabbed hand.

She felt excitement, seeing the blood dripping down Shiro's fingers.The woman realized that her vision was clouded in a grotesque red and black hue. Then she was horrified.

"No. They  said that it would make me pure. NO!!!"

The woman dropped the boy as he gasped for his breath. She then proceeded to stab her own eye. Shiro stopped her by throwing her knife at her's.

An blond woman wearing a police uniform busted into the house and shot the crazed lady in the arm. She dropped like a sack on the ground in tears.

"I'm impure. Just like all of you. YOU ALL SHOULD DI-"

She was stopped abruptly by the police officer kicking her face and silencing her.

"Well that's taken care of." the police officer muttered.

The young boy seemingly recognized her "Mayumi?"

"Jamie?" the female officer replied.

Mayumi turned to Shiro sympathetically.

"Are you alright miss?"

Shiro slowly nodded.

Jamie retorted "Oh, just drop the act already Mayumi."

Shiro was slightly confused.

Jamie said "Come on. Let's just get out of here."

Shiro exclaimed "There's a dog in the cellar!"

Jamie inquired "A dog?"

The demented woman muttered "I must be purified. I must be cleansed."

She held in her hand, a vodka bottle.

Mayumi exclaimed "Volkgold wine?"

Jamie continued "That's enough to burn a forest down."

They realized that there were candles aligned directly around the house. They were too late to stop the woman from throwing the bottle and simultaneously lighting the candles and spread fire through the entire building. Mayumi realized that the fire would spread to the other buildings and muttered

"Servani spiritus!"

A force field encased the area around the house.

"Come on! This won't hold for long. Let's get out of-"

The pair suddenly realized that Shiro was gone. She was in the basement, clutching the poor dog which was unfortunately in chains. The fire was still ablaze and crumbling their surroundings at a rapid pace. The dog was comforted in Shiro's arms as she weeped in the face of death.

A blue light illuminated the room which dimmed to a grey one and faded silently.

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