A Choice of Destiny or Regret

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After Shiro recovered from her injury three weeks later, she was greeted by Mayumi and Jamie.

They told her to go to the center building in the North Ward and knock the door three times before waving it like a sensor. Shiro did as she was told.

The door slid open for her to see a brown haired man with a yellow and black striped tie standing in the middle of what looked like, thousands of people wearing uniforms.

The man said "Allow me to explain the premise of this, novices. Please stand on this platform before further instructions."

Shiro was completely puzzled of all of this.

"Is this the 'spirited' group they were talking about?"

"Welcome to the Seishin Academy. A syndicate of gifted people with exceptional spiritual abilities. Your initiation begins. If you pass the annual grades exam then you shall be recruited as apprentices, as for now you are novices. The passing average score is 100. It will be recorded on magic, wisdom, defense and of course, your spiritual energy. You can choose to use your spiritual energy on magic or defense."

"Red, the color of passion. Defends our city with honor and pride.

Orange, the color of optimism. Keeps the city in a bright light.

Yellow, the color of wisdom. Obtains knowledge for the future of our nation.

Green the color of sympathy. Conserves environment and its people.

Blue the color of peace. Regulates society's laws and status.

Purple, 'specially' reserved for people with a 'high status' from family descent."

Shiro thought through this carefully, "Orange, it's definitely fun but...her sister wouldn't want it. If she wanted a decent job, Yellow would be best. Blue...the streets were filled with pickpockets and scammers. Everywhere it's happening. But at the same time, it feels like nothing has changed...."

However every time she examined the choosing tables, her eyes immediately diverted to a table in the far corner.


"How about that table?" Shiro said, pointing to a grey table in the corner.

Mr Metrix frowned "That's the table no one chooses. People in that class have only fallen into it because of exceptionally bad grades. So far this year, no one has done that yet."

Shiro curiously pondered "So what does it study?"

Mr Metrix muttered "Necromancy. The most impossible magic practice ever known."

Shiro countered "But no one has ever been to that class right?"

Mr Metrix replied "No. Not before it changed subjects."

Shiro claimed "Then how do you know it's impossible if no one has ever tried it?"

His face showed a sign of passive irritation..

"Please make a wise decision. Your future will depend on it."

*End Flashback*

She then realized that it was obvious.

"I choose Grey." she called.

There was silence before some snickering spread through the other novices.

"Are you that stupid?" A yellow uniformed female novice mocked.

Shiro glanced at her. She was sure that she had seen her somewhere else...

"You threw your life away just like that! Only idiots would dare to choose the 'impossible class'! There's no such thing as necromancy! It's basically learning something you can never achieve!"

Some of the novices continued to laugh.

Shiro suddenly smiled "So it's a challenge then."

The students abruptly stopped laughing.

"If I can't learn necromancy, than you have every right to laugh at me. But until then, don't think it's hopeless."

The students forced themselves to stay silent.

One of the teachers glared. He was reminded of a someone else, watching Shiro walk out of the room with a smile of no remorse.

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