Random PROJECT SAC-1 Moments - Pt. 1

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Cybernetics are a truly wonderful and amazing accomplishment that give, say, a leg amputee the ability to walk normally again, perhaps even have cool enhancements such as the ability to jump around like a Terrelian Jango Jumper. The leg could be so high-tech, one could forget it was even a droid leg because it was covered in synthflesh and looked like a real leg.

Talla was said one.

And her problem was that sometimes, she forgot it had been taken off purely because the Agent hated thinking about her sorta handicap and distracted herself in any way possible.

Like now, when Tech gave her a lesson on how to safely unattach the cybernetic leg from her stump and replace it with the most basic metal prosthetic they had souped up to retract and expand like her vibrosword, thus making it easy to store in her pack and would come in handy if her droid leg was severely damaged or destroyed out in the field.

It made Talla queasy, plainly seeing the extent of her consequences for being so rash, as did the phantom sensations. She would rather keep her self-inflicted imperfections hidden by the synth-flesh covered cybernetics full time, even if then the cold of the metal constantly reminded her that this was not, in fact, the real deal.

Since she was more than eager for a distraction, when Wrecker barged into the room with a massive crate and shouted: "Hey Tal, come check out the snacks I got!"

Talla sprung up from the couch, "Hell yeah -!" Her arms flailed, "WhoOoAh - OOF!" And she faceplanted.

Unfazed Tech continued tweaking with the simple prosthetic as if Talla was not unconscious on the ground, because he had predicted this was going to happen at one point or another but knew she was going to be fine, having survived much worse.

"I hope you remembered to get my chips this time?" He flatly asked of baffledly blinking Wrecker instead.


(A/N: Idk if any of the stunts here are actually possible, but for the sake of humor and fluff let's go with it 😅)


Ever since Crosshair and Talla resolved their differences, Hunter could go stretches of times without suffering a stress headache.

Like right now he was casually laid back on the steps to the Marauder, the gentle spring breeze of this temperate forest planet lightly scented by the pine trees and soothing to his troubled soul and drying his damp hair, being the last one to wash off the grime of their last assignment here.

For entertainment while they all waited for Tech to run diagnostics on the ship, Hunter watched Crosshair and Talla above do impressive target practice with only minimal playful banter, at least on his brothers part.

Yes, they were above him, perched on a makeshift high bar on this end of the small valley they had docked at.

And no, Talla was not being playful at all. She was frustrated.

Determined and sweaty, she squeezed her eyes shut and took a moment to breathe in deeply through her nose, out through her mouth to calm her nerves, then sharp eyes snapping open Talla fell backwards, and now upside down shot a blue blaster bolt-

Which again missed the tiny target all the way on the other end of the valley, consisting of one of their good glass cups laid sideways on a tall boulder.

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