💔 The Heartbroken Fangirl 😭

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Takes place right after they leave Saleucami in PROJECT SAC-1... it's a long trip back to Coruscant after all XD

I should mention... Ya'll know I take real life TV show plotlines and tweak them to be used as real holodrama plots in my story. I do reference Downton Abbey yet again, there will be spoilers to big moments for the story line so I just wanna make it clear ya'll other fans were warned for a SPOILER ALERT



From the dark depths of his room, Hunter's jumped awake when hearing Talla's shriek of pain and bolted from the chair he'd been napping in, fully expecting someone's limb to be chopped off or eyes to be clawed out because someone finally pushed her too far.

The others scampered in from wherever they were on the ship, Crosshair from his room with Firepuncher aimed and ready to assassinate, Wrecker with a deadly chunk of metal ripped out of one of the walls, and Tech from the kitchenette, datapad in one hand and a whisk in the other-

But there Talla was in her claimed corner of the couch, certainly looking like she had met a horrific accident but there was no blood, no injuries-

... Well, not of the physical variety at least.

"WHAT?!" Her datapad was chucked across the lounge with another cry and she just plain sobbed into the fathier pillow that once supported the device, and she rocked back and forth in complete and utter turmoil.

When questioned several times by her attempted saviors on what the hell was wrong she wailed, "THE HEIR TO THE ESTATE DIED IN A CAR CRASH RIGHT AFTER HIS SON AND ONLY CHILD WAS BORN!" 😭

*smacks face back into pillow*

*muffled cries cause an eye roll from each member of her squadron*

*dropping defensive positions, the men collectively sigh too*

Oh dear Maker, another holodrama had ripped her hearts to shreds.

As her (secretly) designated person, Hunter didn't think it'd be too incriminating to walk up and monotonously say, "There there." While patting her shaking shoulder, half-heartedly offering, "Do I need to make a run for nerf nuggets?"

Well, they were currently docked on a Mid-Rim planet, at a city clone-military base to refuel, and there were nearby markets-

"Yes please." Talla muffled into her pillow.

"With fries?"

She raised her head, sniffling, "Yes please."

"Shall I go get your favorite throw blanket?" Tech piped in from behind the couch.

*gross snotty sniff* "Yes please."

A little more sympathetically (he also tended to get way too invested in holos) Wrecker stepped around Hunter and spread his arms. "Shall I hug ya?"

Tears started pouring outta her eyes again. "Yes please!" She mewled, and once he sat down leaned into his cuddly form, already forming a tear stain on the front of his shirt she used as her new hankerchief to hold and sob into.

And while Hunter didn't fancy being used as a human hankerchief himself, he was also absolutely one hundred percent not envious of the opportunity to hold his own (secret) girlfriend. No siree. He would just have to put up with hugging himself, awkwardly standing by as a third wheel yet trying to appear with that same indifference.

Absolutely done with this bantha shit, Crosshair leaned against his lowered rifle and with obvious mockery asked, "'Shall I' book a room at our local mental institution on Coruscant for your holo addiction and unhealthy attachments to fictional characters?"

Her teary face peeked up from Wrecker's chest, "Do I get room service?"

His jaw visibly clenched.

Even heartbroken she still could manage to shut down his snark, though this time it was unknowingly. 

Tech raised his pointer finger. "I believe there are mess halls."

"So I wouldn't have to cook." Talla stated hopefully.

"A likely conclusion, yes."

"Wait, for real?" Then Wrecker inconsiderately laughed, "Heck, book me a room too! Get me one with a nice view of the city!"

Getting an idea, Tech curled a finger against his chin thoughtfully. "I believe they also have free HoloNet connection."

"Might as well book a family suite, then." Hunter muttered with another eye roll, then snatched his wallet from the coffee table and fled the pitiful scene turning into a heated debate as to what color the common area in their suite would be painted.

"Take me with you." That wasn't a plea from Crosshair, he had already discarded his rifle and was already following Hunter.

Earning him a dead-panned glance. "Spoken as if you yourself didn't get a little misty-eyed when the sister died during child labor." Hunter sassed knowingly.

Nor did he.


His eyes just got a little watery from the lingering smoke inside the ship, from when Wrecker burned the Outpost Mix he tried home-making before that episode aired.


After the TBB S2 FINALE and S3 'FINALE SEASON' announcement I think I'm gonna rent out an entire mental hospital for us - ya'll game?

Should be able to find accommodations by the time it's released, so that'd be convenient

- Ella 🥲

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