First Period Around The Boys - Bonus Scenes 😳🩸

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A/N: this first bonus scene inspired by a comment thread with @LaraYG18
Sorry if this turned out darker than we discussed my friend but... The scene ran away from me 😬


If you are triggered by an... idk if I can call this an anxiety or panic attack... Idk, I'm still learning about all this tbh so don't take my word for it... But seriously please do not read this if it'll set you off.

Idk if Crosshair would ever react the way I ended up portraying, but here it is 🫡



~ Crosshair's Field Trip ~

When Nik had done the menstrual cramps simulation, he would admit to some blubbering on his part because HOLY MOTHER OF MOONS THAT KRIFFING HURT. He still apologized to this day for giving his twin sis so much crap for the better half of fifteen years, thinking Skylar was exaggerating when there were days she claimed she absolutely could not leave the house because of the pain.

These days, the siblings closely collaborated as best they could, making sure to schedule a few less appointments for Days 1-3 of her predicted week in hell, making up for the lost income on a future weekend. That way, there was less pressure on her, and Nik and Blair had more maneuverability to help her out if needed. The business had grown enough that they brought in enough income to have this cushion available.

These days, if Skylar still needed to kick off early during the work day or couldn't find the strength to even leave the house, enlightened Nik did everything in his power to make sure Skylar was comfortable and had everything she needed, then would either reschedule the client's who were understanding enough to wait for their body art, but for the select few snobs who didn't want to wait even though the artist was unwell, Nik would work past his shift hours to complete the jobs, Blair helping out where she could.

Would Nik have rather told those jerks to kark off, sure, but in most cases business was business and he'd much rather take their money plus charge a little extra for the inconvenience on everyone's part.

The point is that Nik learned his lesson the hard way, just as Crosshair was about to now. He was not a battle-hardened soldier like his buddy, so his expectations on how Crosshair would take it were somewhere on the 'Cursing Profusely' level on the reaction pole, perhaps a punch thrown in the direction of the simulator.

In no way did he expect Crosshair to have a trauma response.

The nurse might have thought she was just controlling the mechanical aspect of the experiment, but when she clicked to setting ten, a switch had unintentionally been flipped inside Crosshair too.

"Bloody motherkarking karabasts -!"

But instead of completely doubling over he snapped back upwards , it was as if he was frozen in suspended animation, wild eyes filled with horror foriegn and unnerving to his usual closed off facial features, which had drained of all healthy color.

"Crosshair?" Nik asked with knitted brows, but stayed by the wall.

Next, a mini earthquake seemed to sound within the makeshift cubby, turned out to be caused by the violent tremors possessing the sniper, the vibrations going straight through the plastic chair and repetitively thudding onto the floor, clearly heard by the nurse and the tattoo artist.

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