everything i lost

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How could a heart like yours
ever love a heart like mine?

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Elena Herrera felt like she lost too much in little time.
Moving to Outer Banks meant a new beginning, a new happy life, filled with adventures and memories.
She has made friends, she had fallen in love, and felt closer to herself than ever before, what could go wrong?

Many thing, lots of them. Her mother getting sick to the end of passing to a better life, her father relapsing into his PTSD from his service time as a soldier, her best friend and newest friend loosing their lives on a storm at sea.

The only good thing she felt she had was JJ Maybank, her neighbor, her friend, and now, her boyfriend — if only they would label it as such. As much as she liked him and he liked her, something felt wrong, as if it weren't true the feeling they shared. Perhaps it was too soon to begin a relationship, they indeed started sneaking around after the funeral of Elena's mother. And the few times they would see each other in a romantic way was whenever one needed comfort, no dates, no public shows of affection, not even a hand held.

But Elena was too scared to even ask JJ if they were a couple, fearing that committing would push him away, and JJ was the only one there for her, she has been too scared to lose him.

She had lost too much, she couldn't let that the only person that was keeping her sane walk away because of her.


this book will contain sensitive topics such a loss, abuse and also mentions of drugs, underage drinking, su!cide, and sexual innuendos.

xonceuponatimex & _BlackWolf02_ & strldy & my dearest friends!

EVERYTHING I LOST | JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now