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Elena liked things planned, she preferred when she went somewhere or did something and she knew what she wanted to do, so of course, since she became a Pogue and joined the gang, plans didn't exist, everything happened as it came

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Elena liked things planned, she preferred when she went somewhere or did something and she knew what she wanted to do, so of course, since she became a Pogue and joined the gang, plans didn't exist, everything happened as it came. Except for Pope, he liked to plan stuff out too, perhaps that's the reason Elena picked him as her tutor for school, their minds were alike.

But for this moment, Pope and Elena weren't thinking the same. Hell, not a single pogue was sharing a similar idea. Correction, they didn't even know what idea to have on clearing John B's name.

"I'll be right back I promise." Elena shouted in response to her father as she walked out following her friends out the Carrera's family business.

"So we going to Bahamas or what?" JJ asked throwing his backpack on a bench.

"Dude, there's no way where getting to the Bahamas." Pope answered with the very clear statement of what was gonna happen.

"John Be will get nabbed sooner or later, so if we're gonna clear his name we need to have done it like yesterday."

"I mean we could try and find someway to prove from right here OBX that he is innocent." Elena sat down beside Pope leaning her head back.

"Better idea." JJ walked back. "I'll tell you how we'll do it." Elena just chuckled knowing that the words that would come out of JJ's mouth would be pure unreasonable ideas. "As a matter fact I do. We kidnap Rafe."

"There it is, the unreasonable idea." Elena glanced up at JJ with a grin.

"We kidnap Rafe, tie him up and stick the gun in his mouth and just wait until he starts quacking." The whole idea would've made Elena laugh, she almost did actually, but she wasn't going to let it show at least not to hurt JJ's feelings.

"You know torture's a war crime." Kiara said looking at JJ with furrowed eyebrows.

"You think that's gonna stop him?" Elena leaned forward to look at her friend with the smile still on her lips.

"Yeah, so how exactly do you plan on cleaning John B's name from a prison cell? Cause that's a felony." Elena like that Pope followed along with JJ's idea only to actually show him how impossible it could be.

"Alright well, what do you got, Pope?" JJ asked seating beside Elena. "I was just trying to keep it simple, you know, one stop and we're done."

"Not simple JJ when you will get everyone behind you trying to arrest you for attempted murder of a Kook." Elena sighed and looked back at Pope. "Please have a reasonable and possible solution."

"All we need is a material witness, we saw Ward's plane fly right over our heads with the gold inside of it." And there it was, the start of what could be a possible plan. "He didn't fly it, if somebody else flew, they were there on the tarmac. They saw Peterkin get murdered." Like Elena had said, they have someone here in Outer Banks that could help clear John B's name.

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