i. | alive

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"Do we have to go now?" Melissa groaned loudly against the dining chair, she was all ready to go but, from what Elena could pick up, her little sister came back home last night after midnight

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"Do we have to go now?" Melissa groaned loudly against the dining chair, she was all ready to go but, from what Elena could pick up, her little sister came back home last night after midnight.

"Yes, come on, Kie's gonna be here any minute now." Elena finished drinking her coffee, all she needed was to clean her teeth and finish packing her bag. Just like every school year for Elena, she did everything at the last minute.

"Girls, have a good first day, Elena," Her father walked out to the living room looking at his oldest daughter "Don't let comments get to you and your friends, okay? Fight if they get too personal." Ernesto smiled at Elena, his daughter laughed in response. "Tell the guys I said hi okay?" Ernesto finally added after hearing the vehicle honk outside.

Elena nodded and hurried to her room, stocking everything from her bed to her backpack, taking one last look in the mirror seeing her half-up-down hair, smiling back at her reflection she rushed to the bathroom, cleaning her teeth. Another loud honk was heard, indicating to Elena that they needed to leave, but she also thought that maybe JJ had fallen asleep at his place. Or she hoped that he did.

"Bye Dad." Elena exclaimed rushing outside, Kiara waved her to hurry, she could see Pope on the passenger seat waving as well. "Morning guys." She greeted everyone, her eyes fell on each of them, smiling, then she saw JJ, fast asleep against the car window.

"He's not dead." Melissa said, not glancing up from her phone.

"I know that Mel, geez." Elena scoffed, with the seatbelt on, Kiara drove towards Kildare High, somewhere along the way as they passed a speeding bump, JJ woke up, groaning loudly, and crying about how no one was letting him sleep peacefully.

"Wake up JJ, school is around the corner, stop wailing and make yourself look alive at least." Pope said looking back at his friend.

The building made its big appearance, there was a faint sensation of nerve, parking at an open spot, everyone got out of the vehicle, the loud sound of the bell rang, echoing even outside the place. Elena took her backpack out and noticed that JJ was taking another drink out of the flask, and when he was called out by Kiara, he hid it.

"If I blackout, just don't remind me." JJ shut the door and walked next to his friends. Eyes were on them as they walked to the entrance, uncomfortably sensation ran through Elena's body as people whispered and talked about them, shamelessly.

"Hey, I'm going to speed up, I can't be late." Melissa whispered to her sister leaning closer to her as she said it, Elena just gave a nod at her, watching Melissa walk away, rushing inside.

A small memoir was made for John B, his name and small notes, pictures and decorations were around the rock that had been selected and created for their friend. A piece of the surfboard was the "altar" of it, the thing that most people remembered of him.

"I feel like people are staring at us." Kiara said looking back at seeing everyone around them, the rest of the Pogues did the same, and clearly, they were.

EVERYTHING I LOST | JJ MAYBANKWhere stories live. Discover now