Chapter 7

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There is talk of timelines that could be very confusing.

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We all went into the conference room to start planning. "So the how works. Now we just need the when." said Steve. We all sat down and started to talk to Thor.


Steve was still in front. "Just about everyone here has dealt with at least one of the six Infinity Stones." Tony interrupted, "Or shall we say, everyone has been nearly killed by one of the six stones." Scot looked at the two helplessly: "I don't. But I don't know exactly what you're talking about anyway."

Banner chimed in, "Anyway. We only have Pym Particles for a round trip for everyone. And these stones have been in many places throughout history." "Our story. There aren't many good points to go to," Tony interrupted. "We have to choose our targets well," said Clint. "Right," I said.

Steve started again, "So let's start with the ether. Thor what do you know?" Everyone looked at Thor who was sitting in his chair looking like he was dead. "Did he fall asleep?" Natasha asked. "No no, he's pretty much dead," Rhodey said. I sigh. Then I whispered, "Thor, there's free beer."

He stood up as if struck by lightning. "What? How? Where? Beer?" he asked. "Tell us something about the ether!", I said now. Reluctantly he got up and went ahead. "Okay. Uhh... Where do I start? The aether isn't a stone first of all. Although it was called a stone here. Um... is more a crappy lump of mud, so to speak. So that should be corrected and him don't call it that anymore." In between, he dripped his eye.

He stood up as if struck by lightning. "What? How? Where? Beer?" he asked. "Tell us something about the ether!", I said now. Reluctantly he got up and went ahead. "Okay. Uhh... Where do I start? The aether isn't a stone first of all. Although it was called a stone here. Um... is more a crappy lump of mud, so to speak. So that should be corrected and him don't call it that anymore." In between, he dripped his eye.

"There's an interesting story about the ether. My grandfather, that's many years ago, had to hide the stone from the dark elves. Uhuhu. Creepy creatures." He wriggled his hands. "And Jane has them. Oh there she is." an image of her appeared on the screen. "Well Jane's an old flame of mine. You know... uh she stuck her hand in a rock one time and then all of a sudden the ether stuck inside her. And she got very very sick, so I'm taking her to Asgard with me taken where I'm from and um we tried to heal her"

I was standing next to Tony and from here I could see that Scot really liked Thor telling us the story of the wild horse. I dropped my head hopelessly. Then I looked up at Tony again and whispered so only he could hear, "We're all going to die." He grinned slightly then I focused back on Thor.

"We were dating at the time and well I introduced her to my mother... who's dead... and um... well Jane and I aren't together anymore. So... things like that happen." Tony ran towards him to end this. "Nothing is forever." "Sit down," Tony said. "I'm not done yet. Nothing is more constant than impermanence." Tony clapped. "Great. Eggs? Breakfast?" "I'll have a Bloody Mary," Thor said.

While we were having dinner, Rocket explained the Machg Stone to us. He started walking on the table and explained, "Quill says he stole the Power Stone from Morga." Banner asked, "Is that a person?" "Morag is a planet. Quill was a person," Rocket said. Scot was excited: "Eh a planet really in space?" "Oh, look, he's like a little puppy. So curious and naive. Do you want to go to space? Do you want to go to space, woof? I'll take you to space." i grinned I really liked Rocket.

After dinner, Schlumofine explained to us the soul stone. She started speaking, "Thanos found the Soul Stone on Vormir." "What is Vormir?" Natasha asked sitting next to me. "A realm of the death center of celestial existence. It was there that Thanos murdered my sister." "I'm out," Scott said. I then hit him on the back of the head.

Time travel talk

After that, Natasha, Banner, Tony and I sat alone in the conference room and looked for the easiest and safest way to get all the stones. "We can just go to the end of the battle and take his gauntlet off there," Banner suggested at one point.

"No, we have to bring the stones back exactly where we got them from. If we don't do that, we create more timelines in which an infinity stone is missing. And if we do that with all stones, the new timelines become dangerous and our current timeline can fall apart," I explained.

Everyone looked at me. Nobody understands anything. "If we do it this way and we don't bring the stones back to the past exactly when we got them. It can happen that people here die soon after or that people never existed."

Now they all nodded. We sat and discussed it for hours. Eventually, Natasha and Tony lay down on the table. Banner and me on the left and on the right. We were all exhausted but didn't want to give up.

Natasha started again: "The guy with the time stone?" "Yes? Doctor Strange." "What kind of doctor was he?" "Uh, ear, nose, ear and rabbit out of a hat." "But nice place in the Village." "Yes, on Sullivan Street?" "Mmm, Blecker Street." "Wait he lived in New York?" "Yes in the Blecker Corner Sullivan." "No, no he lived in Toronto. Do you ever listen?"

"People get it in the right year is three stones in New York," Natasha said. BAnner sat up: "Three flies with one stone!" Tony looked at Natasha in disbelief. I hadn't really listened to the three of them. Instead, I came up with a better idea.

"It's easier," I said. Now all eyes were on me. "Are you saying the plan sucks?" Tony asked. I got up. "Yes, we all weren't paying attention. So let's start with the soul stone. Smurfette said Thanos killed her sister there. That means someone would have to die and I won't allow that. Then the idea you have. In the only year where space, time and mind stone are in New York. Is the 2012 Chitauri attack." That means we're all fighting there," Banner said. I pointed to him. "Exactly, and the Aether is in Asgard."

"So what's your idea now?" Natasha asked. I took a deep breath. Then I started, "It would be a lot easier if...


That was chapter 7. I hope you like it. Again longer but with a lousy cliffhanger. In chapter 8 I would say we start with the time travel.

So that's half of this story. I hope you like it now and we'll read each other again in my next stories.

Today's question:

What do you think is Izabella's plan?

Next chapter:

Saturday, October 8th , 2022, 22:00 (MEZ)



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