Why he destroyed the school? Part 1 (Takasugi Shinsuke x Reader)

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The rays of sun reflected on your face, and still asleep, you turned your back to the window.

The rays of sun. The clarity of the morning.

Suddenly, in your drunken like state, that made click, and in two second, you were up, rushing toward your apartment looking for your formal clothes, running the shower and making some coffe.

Today was your first day at the Gintama school, specifically, you were joining Clase-Z as a practicant teacher. It was a hard job to achieve, since princal hata considered you too young for the cargo?.
Luckily, they were running low of hands, so, you obtained the job.

So, in resume, you were on prob until principal hata could seee your valur, and it will be no good to be late in your first day.

In fiften minutes you showered and dressed, made you hair and a light make up, took your case, drunk your coffee and run to the school.

The sun hit you in the face as you were running to the school. Luck wasnt on your side that day. All the light were red, and since it was late in the morning, there were so much people in the streets.

The stress was taking over you, so, looking everywhere, you took out your cellphone in look for a shortcute. You were just beginning typing the address of the school when someone snatched you cell from your hands, running in all speed.

A little dumbfounded, you screamed and beginned to run after the thief with no success because your were with high heels and the person in question took alleys, disappearing in the crowd.

What else could go worse? You were late, lost and hungry.

Defeated, you started to ask random people how to get to the school, but everyone avoided you, too stuck in their own worlds. After ten more minutes or so, someone lead you the way to the school.

So that put you arriving terribly late at your first day or your first job, exhausted and beaten by the world. You were seeing the gates of the school, finally, when you saw a boy that seemed a student in the corner of the school, smooking with no worries of the hour or being caught.

Should you rebuke him? You werent an official professor, the kids didnt know you, and you didnt wanted that more people in the school hated you (assuming that principal hata and the professors will hate you for this morning).

So, you decided in just ignore him and pass the gates of the school. There will be another time for lessons.

You hurried to the class-z (in the third flord), so, you arrived panting to the door, knocking twice. You hear quite conversation, but no one opened the door, so, you stretched you skirt and blouse, and entered the room.

There many students talking in groups, other in their desk taking naps or just in their own things. In the main desk, there was no professor to be found.

It was late, doesnt it? Were was the professor?

You took two steps to the desk when you heard a low voice coming from your back.

-Oook, everyone to their sits- Said the voice in a bored tone.

A tall, young man passed right beside you, with something in his mouth. It was a cigarette? Does everyone in this school smoke or what?

The man in question felt your stare, returning it back, screening you from head to toes. Lazily, he took the thing out of his mouth, revealing a giant sweet palette.

-Are you (L/n)-san?- Asked the man, to which you nodded and he extended his hand- I'm Ginpachi-sensei.

-Nice to meet you, Ginpachi-sensei- You said, smilling and shaking his hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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