Bring him back from heaven (Takasugi Shinsuke x Reader x Joui 4)

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After the final fight at the terminal. 

(Y/n) was sleeping peacefully on the futon, while the sun's rays filtered through the window. Next to her, strands of purple hair were visible under the coverlet. Still asleep, the young woman stretched an arm over the purple-haired figure, instinctively reaching out to him, lowering the coverlet to his chin, revealing a little purple-haired boy, about three years old, slept next to the girl. Feeling the contact of her arm with the small bulge beside her, the (H/c) haired woman slowly opened her eyes, staring at the little boy. Every time she woke up next to the little boy, she thought he was an identical copy of his father: the same hair color, the same serious expression when he sleeps.

(Y/n) sat on the futon being careful not to wake the boy, stretching, and then standing up from her place, thinking that she should make him breakfast. The girl headed for the kitchen yawning, feeling melancholic about the past.

As she cooked, (Y/n) looked out the window, thinking that today, if he were here, they would remember laughing that a year ago they were fighting for the world in the terminal. A trembling sigh left her lips, feeling how the tears threatened to come out, thinking that even if ten years passed, she would still miss him. (Y/ n) was absorbed in her grief when she felt steps and a high-pitched voice approach the kitchen.

-Mommy! There you are! - Said the little boy with green eyes, pouting- Why did you leave me alone sleeping? - Asked the boy, directing her an intense look.

(Y/n) couldn't help but smile at the boy's action. Another thing he had inherited from his father was his intense stares. Smiling, she lowered the flames to the kitchen, approaching her little son to take him in her arms.

-I'm sorry, Shinichi, but I had to make you breakfast- She replied, gently pinching his nose while holding the boy with her left arm.

The boy hugged the woman's neck, still sulking from having woken up alone.

-I'd rather you bring me to the kitchen with you- Replied Shinichi, while his mother left him on a kitchen chair.

The (H/c) haired woman sighed, giggling softly at her son's tender complaint, planting a kiss on his forehead and then turning around and continuing to cook. 

Usually she enjoyed sleeping with her son until late in the morning when she had a day off, and then devoting herself fully to him; and although today was one of the girl's days off, it was also a special day: today marked a year since Shinsuke had died. 

Remembering him always saddened (Y/n), however, the woman tried to cover it up for her son, who didn't know what death was. For him, his father was in heaven (not knowing that he would never return). 

Finishing cooking, the woman put two bowls on the kitchen table, sitting across from her young son, who began to devour the food. 

-Shinichi, do you remember that we're going out today, right? - Asked (Y/n), eating slowly while watching the little boy. 

The kid nodded, taking a large sip of tea before speaking. 

-Yes! Today we'll go to see Daddy with Toki and the others- Replied the purple haired kid, smiling openly. 

(Y/n) nodded, looking at him warmly. Yes, her son was an exact copy of his father in almost every way. Almost, because he had the same sweet and loving nature as hers. 

The little green-eyed boy finished eating before her, so she sent him to get dressed while she finished eating (although she had no appetite, so she only dedicated to washing the dirty dishes). After finishing her work at breakfast, (Y/n) went to dress, putting on a black haori over her usual (F/c) clothes, and taking her son by the hand, she left the small house she had in Kabukicho, thinking of heading to the Yorozuya to pick up her lazy friend. Surprisingly to her, Gintoki was outside her house, waiting leaning on a pole while yawning. Shinichi was the first to see him, so he ran to meet him, smiling happily. 

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