The heartbroken girl & the womanizer (Sakata Gintoki x Reader)

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The breeze swayed her (H/c) hair, while her mind wandered over the events of today and her eyes navigated the starry sky falling over Edo.

The day had started like any other when the Yoshiwara girls called them to help on a job, and (Y/n), as part of the Yorozuya, had gone along with the other three members to help in what seemed like a strange terrorist attack with a substance that made love blossom in everyone who smelled it. A strange substance, indeed, that began it's action almost inmediatly when all the pills were pulverized on a street vendor's plate. 

Almost all of them, since (Y/n) wasn't near the place, therefore, she didn't experience the effects of the chemical, although she did see them.

That was what brought her to the roof of her own house today, considering her own steps and decisions, on whether she should leave Kabukicho and Edo forever or face the facts. The thing was that her heart was broken, and every time she recalled the incidents of the day another fissure opened up in her heart as (Y/n) saw in her mind how the man she was in love with flirted and declared his love to other girls.

Silently and for years (Y/n) knew she was in love with the silver-haired samurai; despite everyone saying he was useless, lazy or good for nothing, she saw him as a brave, strong and kind man (in his own style), and she sighed and glowered behind his back every time the girl saw him.

In all this time, (Y/n) knew she wasn't the only one, she had seen the desperate attempts to hunt the purple-haired girl's man or how blushing and nervous Tsukki got when she was with him. 

The (H/c) haired girl had thought about supporting the man if he decided to date, however, she never thought it would be so hard to see him profess his love for another person, especially someone he held dear.

-The courtesan of death is mine- The phrase and the image of Gintoki in front of Tsukuyo, proclaiming her as his woman, and then seeing him flirting with her in an alley, made (Y/n)'s eyes fill with tears and his chest ache. 

Yes, (Y/n) wanted his happiness, but she also had the selfish feeling of being the one to give him that happiness.

The question that haunted (Y/n)'s mind now was whether she was going to be able to support him, as she had set out to do from the beginning, or was she going to run away with a broken heart. Was she strong enough to be able to swallow her grief and celebrate her possible relationship with the blonde?

Looking up at the sky, (Y/n) sighed, and after a few moments, entered the house she shared with Kagura and Gin. Taking refuge in the silence and darkness of the night, she sat down at the desk and wrote a terse farewell letter.

Apparently, her heart was a wimp, just like her.

At the next morning, the girl had disappeared from Kabukicho and Edo, leaving behind her only those parting words in the letter to her dear friends. Reading them in the morning, Gin had to reread them a couple of times, then crumpled the paper, annoyed and confused. What did everything he had just read mean? "I wanted to branch out and go out to meet the world? Don't look for me, go on with your life and at some point we will cross our paths again?"

-Bullshit- Muttered the samurai, staring at the crumpled letter on the floor, then clicking his tongue and spilling onto the couch.

Gin felt confused, angry and sad. What kind of goodbye and bullshit excuse were those? How could (Y/n) leave them behind just like that, without feeling anything? She wasn't the type of woman to be so cold and calculating, so why had she left like that? 

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