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Taehyung's leg shook anxiously as he leaned against the hard brick wall. He tried not to mind the coldness as his eyes were glued down to his glowing phone screen. 

One thought was on his mind: Seokjin. 

He called Seokjin for the uncountable time that night, closing his eyes and praying the other male would pick up.

But no matter how long he tried, there was no answer. 

At one point, he had been sent straight to voicemail, an indication that Jin had turned his phone off completely. Either that, or he'd been blocked. 

No, that wasn't possible. Jin would not do that to him. His love, would not block him; at least without an explanation. 

Taehyung tried once more, but in vain, before his shaking hands dropped his phone onto the concrete below. Taehyung curled up, his knees hiding his head as he slowly started to cry. 


Seokjin refused to remove the blanket from on top of his head, even when he knew Yoongi had entered the room. 

Whilst the other male put down his bag, Seokjin could see him looking at the mess of blankets that was sheltering himself, and then going to sit on his bed.

Yoongi plopped himself down next to his friend and carefully lifted the quilts, revealing a swollen and sobbing Jin, who just looked away. 

"Hyung, I think you should talk to him" 


Yoongi bit his lip, "I'm sure Taehyung would not intentionally humiliate you like that"

Jin shook his head, and his eyes met Yoongi's; "You don't understand. Taehyung.. H-He kissed back." 

"He kissed back, Yoongi. In front of everyone. Knowing that I was watching." Seokjin cried, throwing his pillow across the room and onto his roommate's bed. 

His roommate shifted, unknowing of what to do to comfort Jin. 

"Well hyung you should know, Jungkook's beating him up right now", he muttered, unbeknownst to him making Seokjin freeze and shoot his eyes up at him. 


"Well he's pretty enraged and as you can imagine- also mad at Jimin but-"

"Nono he can't beat up Taehyung", Seokjin whispered to himself, but Yoongi heard it. Jin cursed at the way he instantly forgave his soon-to-be-ex boyfriend and felt bad for him. 

Seokjin stood up and grabbed his coat; "Wait Jin-hyung where are you going?"

"I'm gonna talk to him... like you said." 


Seokjin sat down in his seat, excited and feeling bubbles in the pit of his stomach. 

He had just shared a rather intimate moment with Taehyung backstage, and what started as his way of saying 'good luck', turned into Seokjin having to pry himself out of Taehyung's arms, when the latter got a little too touchy. 

Jin, blushing, and Taehyung, smirking, watched as Jimin waltzed in all decorated in silver jewelry and a bright bodysuit. 

"Jimin! I have a little gift for you!" Seokjin almost-shouted, making Taehyung chuckle with amusement.

Jimin smiled brightly, "Already? The show didn't even begin yet!"

Jin handed him a small pink cylinder; "Lipstick?"

"W-Well not exactly, but basically yes. It's my favorite lip product and I think you'd look so adorable with pink lips. You don't have to wear it right now of course, b-but-"

Jimin engulfed Jin in a giant hug, "Of course I'll wear it now! Thank you Jinnie." 

Seokjin complimented the male before giving Taehyung a final kiss, and wishing Jimin good luck before they'd dance for the winter talent show. 

So there he was, cheering as the pair emerged on stage, his fellow classmates going crazy as well - that was expected. A warm feeling filled Jin when he saw Jimin wearing the lip product previously given. 

Suddenly, in the back of his mind, Seokjin replayed the image of Jimin's texts to Taehyung. How he'd recently joined them on their daily convenience-store runs, and how Jungkook at noted how he went through a fight with Jimin two weeks ago, and since then the dancer has been distant from him. 

Nevertheless, Seokjin straightened up, pushing those thoughts away as paranoid worries, and engaged as the music began.

As the two started to dance, Seokjin realized how much of a grave mistake it was to support Taehyung and Jimin doing a duet. As if God knew Jin's deepest paranoias and was mocking him, many people around him commented on how the pair seemed to be destined for each other.

"They'd make such a beautiful couple."

"You know what they say, opposites attract."

"I thought they were dating those Kim brothers or something.."

"Shhh, and it doesn't matter. Look how fantastic they look together"

Seokjin gulped, he couldn't disagree. Somehow Taehyung's masculine and firm stature and demeanor seemed to fit perfectly with Jimin's soft looks.

Taehyung's hands were placed on the latter's waist as they swayed and dipped; Jimin executing nearly-perfect turns and Taehyung was there to catch him afterwards. 

Not wanting to be such a controlling boyfriend, Seokjin continued to smile and record the dance. He couldn't lie, both were very talented, and he found himself practically drooling while watching Taehyung move his body. 

Finally, the music got more intense as did the dancers. Seokjin knew it would be over soon, they would win the talent show, and Jin could be over this useless gap in his heart telling him something was wrong. 

But what followed- stopped time completely. 

Taehyung spun his partner, Jimin leaning in and ending right in the male's arms. Seokjin watched with wide eyes as the music stopped and Jimin leaned in, lips meeting Taehyung's as he kissed him. 

In front of everyone. 

Whilst Jimin dating Jungkook. 

Whilst Taehyung was dating Jin.

Seokjin, bemused to the point he thought he might be dreaming, looked closer as the crowd erupted in screams and cheers. 

He saw Taehyung, eyes widened, but then succumbing to Jimin and kissing back. 

And Seokjin's heart dropped. 

Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jungkook turned to Jin, but all Seokjin focused on was the ringing in his ears. 

Was this part of the choreography?

Did it even matter?

Taehyung kissed back. 

He couldn't even hear Taehyung shouting his name as Jin bolted out of the auditorium, confused and hurt; tears streaming down his face. 




ngl i love writing seokjin suffering idk why 

makes me cry B) 

anyway, hows ur day goin?

love ya


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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