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"Yah, what's wrong with you?"

Seokjin looked up to his roommate, who was eating his kimchi fried rice. Jin tilted his head confusion.

"You've been totally out of it today." Yoongi went on.

It's true. Jin has been so concerned about going to the academy tonight, he hadn't been concentrating on anything but that.

"I heard you were picked to tutor." Jungkook said nudging Seokjin's left elbow.

"Yeah..." His voice trailed off as he bit into his noodles. He could not believe his luck, out of all the students in this school, why Taehyung?

Jin stood up abruptly, earning puzzled looks from his friends. It was Friday, and Seokjin had been dreading this day the whole week. He imagined several scenarios with Taehyung, but still didn't know what to expect.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked.

"I'm going to get ready early... yeah... for.... tonight." The last part came out quietly as he walked away from the table.

He left the building and walked to the dorms staring at his feet. When he reached the dorm building, Jin entered and groggily walked up the stairs.

After unlocking his room, he changed into the uniform and re did his hair.

The reason the school has to wear a uniform to the academy is because other schools use the buildings, so the students need to represent the school and not get mixed up.

He sat on the bed, and ran his fingers through his hair. It is only for thirty minutes, he thought.

Can't be that bad, he'll probably just be annoying, ugh why am I even tutoring him?!

The thought of getting more credits overflowed his desire to hide from the celebrity, so after a fifteen minute pep talk, he was ready to kick some butt. But then realized once again he was practically a hamster compared to Taehyung, and once again he sank into his mattress. A short 'ding' got his attention and he sat up and looked at his phone.

Where r u?! Bus is almost here!


Jin slapped his shoes on and bolted out of the room, down what seemed like a thousand steps, and out the main doors.


"Where the hell is your brother?" Jimin asked glaring at his boyfriend.

"Jiminie I promise he's coming, he probably just can't find his card." Jungkook said planting a hand on Jimin's shoulder.

"The bus will be here in- There it is!" Jimin said pointing at a blue and silver bus coming around the corner. Hoseok put his pocky away and looked back at Jungkook's face.

"No no no. Jungkook, I'm not going to let a SOPHOMORE like you make me miss the bus and walk to the academy!" He said digging in his backpack.

"Hyung you know it's only eight blocks away from here." Jungkook whispered with a cheeky smile.

"KOOK! Your brother is always late! You know that!" Jimin said pouting.

"Well he's right here so stop your bitching and whining and get your ass on the fucking bus." An annoyed voice said.

"Yoongi! Watch your mouth!" An exhausted Seokjin said running towards him. A loud honk sounded from the left of everyone.

"Let's go Kookie." Jimin said frowning and grabbing Jungkook's hand. Jin dug into his pocket and pulled out a pink card with a mario picture on it.

Little Lovers ┊ TaeJinWhere stories live. Discover now