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"What's up stripper?" Said a deep voice next to Seokjin's right ear.

Knowing exactly who it was, Jin chucked his tray (full of steaming hot soup) at him. Yoongi had to suppress a laugh because of Taehyung's shrieks.

"Ho- Do you know who I am?!" Taehyung screamed covering one of his eyes.

"Why are you speaking to me? You said that you're way out of your league, remember that?" Jin asked getting up to get a new tray of food.

"Listen, all I want is to work on our project next okay? That's it."

Jin turned around and gave him an unamused look. "Okay mister asshole. Let's go to the library and talk there."

Taehyung shook his head no. "But then I'm missing part of my lunch break, and I have gym and S.E.E. next-"

"Taehyung I'm in almost all of your classes, and I can assure you that the library is the best place to spend time studying."

"Of course you would know that." Taehyung murmured causing Jin to throw another tray of soup into his face, this time his eyes.

"What the fuck?! Where did this annoying attitude come from?!" Taehyung scowled, scanning the cafeteria for napkins.

"I learned it from you. Tomorrow, get your lunch and go to the library. I'll be in the back at the small coffee table. If you don't come I'm telling Mrs. Park, have a nice day." Jin said once again, emotionless.

This was a whole total new person. The person who was crying right in front of Taehyung a couple days ago had vanished, and an unbothered Seokjin had took his place. He didn't want to admit it, but it was kinda hot, however he couldn't tell if he liked the old, nervous one more.


"Jin, wanna come with me and Yoongi to uhhhh- what's it called?" Hoseok asked his boyfriend.

Yes. Boyfriend.

After Hoseok kinda got drunk and admitted his feelings to Yoongi, and vice versa, they agreed to become an official couple.

"I can't read english. Namjoon said it meant Holly's Harbor. Which is weird because it doesn't have any fish."

"I miss Holly..... Anywho Jin, you comin?"

"Sorry guys, I have to meet Taehyung to work on our project. Which cities did you get." Jin asked leaning on a pillar at the first entrance.

"Hollywood." Yoongi answered.

"Everything around me is 'Holly'! I think it's a sign that I need to go back home to h-"

"Hobi got Chicago. What the fuck is Chicago?"

"Rough. Alright, buy me a pack of shrimp ramen please! I'll pay you later, see you in Japanese."

Seokjin headed to the courtyard with his bag and lunch tray. Taehyung emailed him, moving the location of the meet-up to here, much to Jin's dismay.

"Str- I mean, Seokjin over here!" A baritone voice said. Seokjin turned his head and saw Taehyung sitting at a table under a cherry blossom tree, notebooks open next to his laptop. Jin walked over and sat down next to the male, putting his tray down and unpacking.

"Okay, I bookmarked certain websites based on NYC's economy, and I used my twitter to interview a couple of people that live there." He told his partner while opening his own computer and taking out his pencil case.

"Wait, before we begin-"

"Taehyung we have thirty minutes before gym so I think we should just start right now."

"No, well uh- yes that seems practical but I want to apologize first." Taehyung said cringing at the fact that he had to apologize to the person who threw two trays of soup in his face.

"Listen, we never started on good terms and I'm sorry that I'm a really rude person, it's not you by the way, it's me"

"Yes I knew that please continue." Jin commanded listening.

"So, uh— sorry that I stole your book and called you a stripper. It wasn't in my place because I don't know what's happening to you at home. Oh! I apologize that I used your face masks-"

"You WHAT?!" Seokjin screeched shutting up the younger.

"You used my expensive face masks that I only had 3?! Taehyung you have crossed the line. Those take months to ship to my house!" He scolded, annoyed.

"Yeah I told you I was sorry! Gosh, is that the only thing you heard?!" Taehyung whined.

"No I heard you, but when it comes to my ten dollar face masks I don't want to hear it."

Taehyung looked up, confused. "Ten dollars? That's it?! Seokjin, there are face masks out there that are fifty."

"Well I can not afford that shit so let's move on." Jin said switching the subject, Taehyung just shrugged.

The two spent their time planning out the structure, points, and other crucial parts of the essay. They to split the essay evenly, with Seokjin doing five pages, and Tae doing the other five. Jin actually saw a good side of the celebrity, realizing he wasn't all asshole.

"Here's my number, please use it, let's chat tonight." Taehyung slipped a piece of paper into his pencil case.

"Tonight? But I don't have a free period, I mean after dinner I usually do, but today I promised Jungkook to buy him a new bag." June explained, packing up.

"That will take an hour?"

"Well, my Kookie can be picky and I wanna-"

"Okay okay. How 'bout we skip academy tonight?" Taehyung proposed, not making eye contact.

"Are you crazy? Skip Academy? That's like, illegal! You cannot skip four hours of pure study time!" Jin looked at his partner like he had three heads.

"Sit next to me on the bus today."

"But why? Yoongi c-"

"Sounds like the bell! Race you to gym!" Taehyung smiled like a child and took off.

"Wait! Taehyung-shi your tray— aish this guy." He murmured inaudible words before following.

ok, what do u think of tae now?

999 words. . . 

also, new cover :)

220406 <3

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