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Seokjin was having a very difficult time trying to teach basic physics to his student when all the other did was just stare at him.

"Focus Taehyung! You have a test on Monday and if you do badly I'll be blamed for your stupid habits of ju-"

Suddenly warm lips were attached to his own, as he blinked open and saw Taehyung's body over him. Jin knew there was no other students near them to witness this shameful act, so reluctantly he kissed back.

Taehyung had realized that no matter how hard he tried, the physics test on Tuesday was not going to end up well when it came to his grades, so why even bother?

Not only that, but Jin was kissing back, which was always a good sign for him. He wanted to go further, but could sense the other's hesitant attitude, and decided to not make him uncomfortable.

He pulled back even though that was the last thing he wanted to do. Jin had a look of confusion but decided to brush it off and focus on the blank sheet of paper in front of him.

"Uh- Ok, are you clear on mome-"

"Seokjin-ssi why-"

"Don't call me that Taehyung-ssi"

"Then stop calling me Taehyung-ssi"

"But I only called you that because yo-"

"Seokjin-ssi it's important to respect other's preferences."

"Taehyung-ssi sto-"

"Seo- okay I'm tired what was your question?" Taehyung gave up at this little squabble game they were playing.

Jin grunted an sat back down into his chair and whined. It was pure adorable to witness such a pout that Jin wore on his face. He flicked a pen off the table in annoyance.

"Pay attention or I'm going to punch you." He whined while kicking his feet on the floor. Taehyung laughed and settled back into his seat.

"I am focusing. Just not on the work." He said smiling, but shreicked one second later.

Jin smacked his head with a big binder and was practically fuming that Taehyung wasn't taking this seriously. As flattered as he was, his boyfriend's academic scores are more important.

"If you don't stop gazing at my perfect clear skin you're gonna fail! And if you fail I won't get any extra credit for tutoring you." He yelled.

Taehyung walked over and gave him a big back-hug, and Seokjin gave into his touch. Jin buried his head into the crook of Taehyung's neck, inhaling deeply before pushing away.

"Do your damn homework or I'm never letting you touch me." He mumbled and walked out of the room.

"Okay fine; I will do my homework."


Taehyung never did any of his homework that night.

Instead, he found Jin having a breakdown in the bathroom stalls, and.... comforted him? To put it as the least. If you count a 10-minute make out session as comfort, then yes.

Taehyung called it their "playtime". And sometimes he would randomly select classes and pull Jin out of them, only to find a spare classroom to continue their playtime.

Seokjin wasn't a huge fan of skipping classes just to fulfill Taehyung's needs, but he never refused, so it continued for a bit.

Taehyung and Jin also got a lot more comfortable around each other, and sometimes hung out with each other's friends. Either Jungkook and Jimin were just stupid and didn't realize, or they didn't care that Seokjin almost never showed up for their annual shopping night.

Yoongi kept Hoseok oblivious, and those two were together 99% of the time anyways, so it's not like Jin's absence made a huge impact on their everyday lives.

Slowly, their autumn fun had began to end, as a new cold win approached Seoul, bringing drama into it as well.

Jin was reminded of the winter talent show due to its poster being taped on every single railing, locker, and door at his school. Who knew a silly little talent show would attract so much hype in his high school. 

Apparently, the world still loved Kim Taehyung as much as they did a couple months ago. Rumor had it, Taehyung had agreed to sing a little song at the talent show due to high demand. 

Seokjin did not know Taehyung actually could sing, since the only time he heard him sing was in the car, when Taehyung would mercilessly butcher his favorite songs by belting them in an attempt to be funny.

On the bright side, his relationship with Taehyung was growing stronger, and his school started accepting him as well. Jin was treated like an actual human now, not just "Taehyung's toy". 

Taehyung started really showing public affection, which would include him crushing their lips together when someone as much as talked to Seokjin. Although Jin would never admit it, he loved when Taehyung would kiss him in front of everyone. 

But his current problem now was that there were hundreds of students thirsting over his lover, due to Taehyung's recent photoshoot. He lost count of how many girls changed their profile picture on their school account to his face. 

"Hey baby..." Taehyung snaked his arms around Jin.

Jin smiled, "Hi." 

"I don't see why you will not sing with me for the talent show." Taehyung pouted.

"Taehyung, I-" 

"You have a beautiful voice Jinnie ple-" 

"Don't cut me off. I am uninterested in the backlash I'd receive for being with you." 

Taehyung shook his head, "We will revisit this later. How was your test today?" 

The two spent the rest of their lunch break inside, chatting about their days. Seokjin still had a lot to learn about Taehyung, but he was fine with taking it slow.


Seokjin stepped out of the building, immediately taken aback by the snow falling from the sky. It was the first snow in Seoul Korea that year, and Jin was overjoyed.

However, that feeling of happiness soon washed away when he was a classmate he had frequently been teased by, standing against the fence of the school. 

Seokjin put on his hood, wearing one of his boyfriend's sweatshirts, and walked past without sparing eye contact. 

But, as expected, the man started laughing and followed Seokjin across the park. Jin was not scared, but he was at his boiling point.

Jin turned around and shouted, "What the fuck do you want with me?"

"Ooo feisty. I see why Tae picked you to entertain him." The boy laughed. 

Jin was about to say something back when his classmate suddenly stopped laughing, and followed his gaze to see a very angry Taehyung, holding two cups of coffee, marching towards the two. 

"Oh Taehyung, you're here. I'm in trouble now!" The boy teased when he saw Taehyung's expression. 

Taehyung walked right up to the male and slapped him hard against his cheek, making the latter stumble off the fence and cup his face. The celebrity took it one step further by taking the lid off of one of the steaming coffee cups, and dumping its content onto him. 

The boy shrieked as his skin burned, while Taehyung threw the lid and empty cup onto him, muttering a series of curses and threats. Taehyung walked over to Jin, kissed him on the forehead, and mumbled sweet words, acting as if nothing had just happened. 

"T-Taehyung you cannot do tha-" 

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm not going to be punished." Taehyung handed the remaining coffee cup to Jin for him to drink and pulled him by the waist, walking him towards the other side of the school.

tae snapped. 

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