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We (kinda) get a new character today....

Jin tried to ignore Taehyung the next day, and succeeded. He never opened the airplane Taehyung sent him, he didn't go to the library, and he let Hoseok and Yoongi take the reserved room.

Taehyung was upset, but after discussing what happened with Jimin, he realized he was an idiot. He endurded Jimin's horrified rant to him, which was something along the lines of, "ANDHOWCOULDYOUJUSTGOINANDKISSHIMYOUMUSTVEMADEHIMFEELSOWEIRDWEARENTDONEGETBACKHERE!" Or something.

When he finally found him in a hallway, he grabbed Seokjin's wrist and pulled him into an empty classroom.

"Are we meeting at lunch today?" He asked with a bit of sadness in his eyes. Jin didn't have the courage to look him in the eye.

"Uh- only if you want to." He said still glancing at his shoes.

Taehyung frowned. He didn't expect Jin to be so upset at what had happened.

"Please tell me what i did wrong." He said quietly, and truthfully. He was, indeed speaking from the bottom of his heart.

"Um- nothing. It's just, people usually don't do that-- you know, the touching without consent. It's rude actually" Seokjin frowned.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Can we- can we restart?" He asked with pleading eyes. Jin was definitely someone he wanted to be close with, and if that meant pretending nothing happened, he'd be willing to do that.

"Um... I have calculus right now, sorry!" Jin sprinted down the hallway and away from Taehyung. Which he later deeply regretted, when he thought about how that might've made the latter feel.

"But! Wait-- you don't have calculus...." Taehyung's voice trailed off at the end and he let out a groan of frustration.

Taehyung slowly walked out of the room and into the busy hallway, not even looking to see where Jin went.

"Taetae? What are you doing?"

"Jimin? Oh, hi. Nothing..."

Jimin gave him a disapproving look and shook his head. "It's gonna take a lot more than that to fool me you stupid child."

When the older didn't respond, Jimin inhales long, "KIM TAEHYUNG DID YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR SCIENCE TEACHER?!?! OMIGO-"

"What?!— Nononono shut up everyone heard that. Please be quiet JIMIN SHUT UP!" He covered Jimin's mouth with his own hand and awkwardly smiled to the people in front of him, now watching him.

"I uh— Me and Jin are restarting, you know? We're forgetting everything that I did, we're good now." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh thank god I almost thought I would have to push you down the gym stairs." Jimin sighed which earned a scowl from Taehyung.

"I'll see you at History. Don't screw it up again." Jimin waved and smacked Tae's butt, hard enough to make others around them look suspiciously. 👀


"There's eight days left for the project and were only half-way through it. So I presume—"

"Seokjin calm down."  A deep voice reassured him and patted him on the back.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Don't apologize." A warm smile spread across Taehyung's face. The two sat down in a corner of the library and began their work, Taehyung occasionally cracking joke here and there, and making Jin's [not so glorious] laugh come out.

About ten minutes went by and Jin found comfort with being next to his partner. Maybe Tae really did like him.

While Taehyung took a quick bathroom break, Jin sensed movement behind and then a small tap on his shoulder. "Oh Taehyung, you're back, can you re-read these papers for me?"

Taehyung took the papers and took his seat again. This confused the younger. Taehyung would've said something along the lines of "It's already perfect because you wrote it."

He looked to his left and shrieked, very loudly. After covering his mouth and earning weird stares for other students, he realized that it was not Taehyung, but someone else.

This boy was much taller, had bigger cheeks and articulated dimples. He had a mop of red hair and a sly smile on his face.

"Uh— Hello? Can I help you?" Jin asked, wondering why this man was here instead of Taehyung.

"Taehyung's making out with someone in the bathroom, so I'm here instead." And when Seokjin did not respond, he held out a hand.

"I'm Namjoon. A friend of Tae's." He said. Jin shook his hand with a smile. Although his mind was pacing, Taehyung had a girlfriend? Or boyfriend? Maybe he didn't like me after all.

"I'm in some of your classes. You're very smart, just like me." His dimples showed as he laughed at his own joke.

"I'm kidding, you're not smart." Namjoon said with a smirk, making Jin frowned, offended. He pulled back his head, not very happy to be in the company of such an arrogant person.

"Kidding again! I'm not smart, but you are... and your every pretty." Seokjin blushed at the compliment.

"Text me, here's my number." He took out a black marker and wrote down ten digits, and slipped it in the younger's bag.

"Hey, I gotta go. Looks like Taehyung's back. Let's chat tonight." He smiled and left, leaving Seokjin shocked, to say the least.

( A/N: Damn Jinnie just picking up the guys like coins)

Taehyung jogged back to him and frowned. "What did he tell you?" He asked, a hint of whine in his voice.

Jin just shrugged and said he wanted to be his friend, and saw Tae's frown deepen. When he asked about it, the latter replied, "I don't want you two getting close. He's not like his first impressions. We used to be friends, but he uh- anyway, it's not important."

Jin shot him a suspicious look, and Taehyung continued. "What is important is why New York City has so many rats. Back to the essay!" He commanded making Jin turn back to the laptop.

And just before he could talk, Taehyung leaned in and placed a small and quick peck on his lips. His eyes widened, and he pulled away fast, looking at Taehyung with big bulging eyes. However, he could not hide the fact that the kiss had made him sort of.. excited?

"I could care less about rats. I want to know more about you. Let's get dinner tonight at nine. I'll text you directions to the restaurant. Bye!" Taehyung said grabbing his things and rushing out of the library, so fast, that Jin couldn't even object.

He was still in shock from the kiss, that he didn't even complain about skipping Academy again. He brought his fingers up to his lips, and a very, very small smile crossed his face.




Team Namjoon or Team Taehyung??

ive began riding a sequel, but im not sure if im gonna publish it

im excited for it tho, so it's up to u readers to determine if ur interested :)


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