The Rogue Knight: 4 1/2

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(This starts when Jace is with Mira while Twitch followed Cole and Kendal while they were escaping Ansel. Enjoy!)

Jace's POV:

I paced up and down in the grass at a park not far from the fountain. Twitch had gone to follow Cole and Kendal to make sure they got away. I was panicking inside. If they got captured, I don't know what I would do.
"Can you stop?" Mira asked from where she was sitting on bench a few feet from me. "Your freaking me out." 
I tore a hand through my hair. "Aren't you worried? They could get captured!"
She walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "They'll be fine. Kendals smart. She knows how to take care of herself. And Cole is with her. You have to stop freaking out." 
I just nodded and walked over to the bench. I sat down and put my head in my hands.  "Your right. I just . . . I don't know. I dont want to see her get hurt."
She came and sat next to me. "I know how much you care about her. But you have to pull it together."
I nodded and it was silent for a few moments.
"When are you going to tell her how you feel?" Mira asked quietly.
I lifted my head to look at her. "I'm not. I can't. Ever."
"Because. She's way out of my league, for one. And she's a shaper. She deserves someone better than me."
Mira shook her head. "She needs someone just like you. Your there for her. You care about her. You protect her."
"You don't get it." I said. "I'm an escaped slave with no family and I'm far from grown up. And when all this is over, and her and Cole find a way back to their home, she's going to leave. She's going to leave, and I'll never see her again. And I could never ask her to stay here, when she belongs there. You saw how she looks whenever she talks about her home. It kills me to see her so upset. But if I tell her it'll just wreck our friendship, and I can't deal with that. She's all I care about. I need her. I'm her friend, that's good enough. Even if a part of me wants so badly to be more than that. If I tell her, it would wreck everything."
Mira was silent for a few moments. I could tell she was surprised that I had opened up so much, and I was to. I hadn't intended to tell her everything.
When Mira spoke again, it was quiet. "If you don't tell her, you'll regret it. I know you will. You love her. Anyone can see that. You can't just let her go." 
"I have to Mira. I don't have a choice." I said and I stood up and walked away. I needed to be alone. I walked around the park for a while, kicking at the grass and generally just sulking and feeling sorry for myself. I knew it was crappy, but I couldn't help it.
Eventually, Twitch showed up. He said they had escaped with their swords. I felt relief surge through me. They were okay! Mira said we should book some rooms. I reluctantly agreed and we walked to a near inn.
I went to the front desk and booked some rooms, pretending like they were for our masters. Then I went back to Mira and Twitch.
"I'm going back to the fountain to wait for them. You should two should stay here." I said, and Mira nodded. I set off, retracing my steps to the fountain. I got there with no trouble, and when I rounded the last corner, relief surged through me as I saw Kendal, leaning against a tree, her back to me.
I snuck up behind her and put my hands over her eyes. "Guess who?"
She gave an adorable squeal and jumped a little, but she must have guess it was me.
She turned to face me flashing a smile, the smile that drove me crazy. "Hey, rope boy."
"Any trouble?" I asked.
"Not at all." She said, sarcastically. "Just that the slaver that sold me and Cole to the Sky Raiders threatened to hunt us down, cut of our hand with our freemarks, and drag us back to the Sky Raiders in chains."
I scrunched up my nose. "Wow, slavers are hard core."
"Mhm. Should we wake him?" She said, glancing at Cole, who I noticed was sprawled out on a bench, snoring.
"I have a better idea." I said with a sly smile.
I walked over to Cole. "Get out of here you vagrant!" I said in a gruff voice by Cole's ear.
Cole jumped up, obviously startled. He fumbled for an apology but stopped when he saw me  grinning at him.
"You need a new joke." Cole said, rolling his eyes.
"I'll get one when this stops working," I said.
"You're pretty casual for a wanted man. Pleasant dreams?"
"Just trying to fit in," Cole said. He looked around, relief flashing in his eyes when he saw Kendal. "Where are the others?"
"Not far," I said. "I booked us a few rooms nearby. We can't wander the town with people after you guys. We'll stay near here until Joe shows up."
"Ansel saw us," Cole reported. "The slaver—he came after us."
"I know," I said. "Twitch kept an eye on you.
He told us you guys escaped with the Jumping
"He knew that?" Kendal asked.
"Twitch is pretty sneaky," I said. "After watching your getaway, he caught up to me and Mira like it wasn't much trouble."
"Ansel promised to hunt us down," Cole said.
"Sounds like a great reason for a public nap,
I said. "Come on."

The Outskirts: The Rogue Knight (Jace x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now