The Rogue Knight: 25

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Our haste leaving Fog lake made the misty depression seem much smaller than it had on the way in. We never slowed. I kept waiting for my muscles to get fatigued, for my lungs to become starved of oxygen, but the exhaustion never hit. After the first hour, I began to trust that I could sprint indefinitely.
We made amazing time. Although we'd came from Edgemont on horseback, our mounts had walked or trotted most of the way. A journey that had consumed a few days went by in a matter of hours. For a time, Blackmont Castle became visible, then it fell away behind them. Above us, in his eagle form, Twitch swooped acrobatically through the sky.
"We're nearing the Rogue Knight's camp," Callista said. "Have you considered whether we want to approach him as animals or in our true forms?"
The question roused me. I realized I hadn't been thinking about much of anything besides the primal exhilaration of running.
"What do you think, Minimus?" Honor called from astride her mount.
"The Rogue Knight prefers straightforward dealing," Minimus said. "He would respect you for coming in your true shapes. Honor could be the exception. He is very familiar with changings that provide added strength and armor."
When Callista slowed to a stop, the rest of the party followed her lead. After the long run, I found it strange to no longer be in motion.
"We're almost to him," Callista said. "If we're going to shed our changings, now is the time."
"Minimus gave us good advice," Honor said. "Remove your masks, but keep them close by, in case the negotiation goes poorly. I'll keep my mask on."
"I'll lead us into camp," Minimus said. "It will help show you mean no harm."
I realized that although I had transformed into a completely new form, I remained aware of the mask on my face. I looked down at my paws. They didn't seem capable of grasping the mask.
I yearned forget leave it on, but the others were already changing back, so I quickly reached up and took off the mask before I could think about it anymore. An instant later, I stood back on my feet.
Back in her human form, Callista spoke to an enormous eagle perched nearby. "Twitch, remove the mask. Taking it off is good practice, especially if you feel reluctant. You will get to replace it after we confer with the Rogue Knight."
I noted that the others, besides Honor, had removed their masks and stood watching the exchange. The huge eagle spread its wings.
"I'd rather fly," it said in Twitch's voice.
"Fly later," Jace said. "Lose the mask for now."
"While you speak with the Rogue Knight, I can stay in the sky," Twitch replied. "Keep an eye on things."
"Don't forget who you are, Twitch," Cole said. "I felt the pull too. Your village needs you."
The eagle lowered its head and raised a claw to the beak. A moment later, Twitch stood on the ground, mask in hand.
"Sorry," Twitch said. "I don't know what came over me. Flying like an eagle just felt so . . . perfect. I didn't want to give it up. I'm better now."
"To some extent, we were all tempted to remain in our altered states," Callista said. "Remember how you felt when it came time to remove the mask. You must fight to remain in control, or your alternate persona will claim you."
The advice left me a little shaken. I had definitely felt the urge to leave the mask on. Just like Twitch, I would have to keep my guard up.
"You're all doing well," Honor encouraged. "I'm grateful to have you with me. Keep your masks handy as we confront the Rogue Knight."
"I don't get something," Dalton said. "If enchanting can only change living things, how come Honor's mask gave her armor?"
"An astute question," Callista said. "As with the Rogue Knight and Minimus, the armor is connected to her new identity. In her changed state, without removing the mask, Honor could no sooner take off her armor than she could take off her skin. It is part of her."
"What about our clothes?" Cole asked. "You know, when we turn into animals."
"I've designed the masks to incorporate your clothing into your altered forms," Callista said. "Your gear too. Hiding your possessions in your new anatomy makes the changing more complicated, but it's useful to change back dressed and equipped."
"You have my thanks," Mira said earnestly.
"Are we ready?" Honor asked.
Everyone responded with nods and shrugs.
"This way," Minimus said, nudging his powerful horse forward. While Minimus and Honor took the lead on horseback, the rest of them fell into step behind them on foot.
The two armored knights held their horses to a slow pace, but I still had to step quickly to keep up.
I ended up walking beside Cole and Dalton. "What did you think?" Cole asked.
"Awesome," Dalton said.
"Almost too awesome." I said.
"You wanted to leave the mask on too?" Cole asked.
"I was so strong," Dalton said. "It was intense."
"The running was great," I said. "I felt so . . . alive."
"And alert." Cole added. "I wanted to hunt something."
"I wanted to fight," Dalton said. "I wanted something to get in my way so I could ram it. Funny. I remember how I felt, but it's kind of blurry now."
"We get to do it again," Cole said. "I think you'll get that fight you wanted."
After traveling a couple of hundred yards through a grove of trees, they reached a clearing with three large tents and several small ones. The fully armored knights moving around the camp paused to regard the newcomers.
The Rogue Knight emerged from his sizable tent. The last time I had seen him, his armor had been scored and dented, but now it was polished and flawless, with both antlers intact on the helm.
"Minimus," the Rogue Knight greeted in his booming voice. "You brought Miracle back to me. Well done. I did not sense your approach."
"The Grand Shaper has divided me from your power." Minimus said. "But I remain your loyal servant."
"I see," the Rogue Knight said, clearly displeased. "Who are your new companions?"
"Allow me to introduce Honor Pemberton," Minimus said, his little voice especially tinny by comparison. "She is under the influence of a changing."
"So I see," the Rogue Knight said. He inclined his head, antlers dipping toward her. "Honor, I am pleased to find you well."
"I understand we have much in common," Honor said.
"What has Minimus told you?" the Rogue Knight asked.
"He revealed nothing," Callista clarified. "I am Callista, Grand Shaper of Elloweer, and your relationship to Honor was plain to me, as are the altered states of your knights."
"Then you possess keen awareness," the Rogue Knight said. "No others have made these observations. You place me in an awkward position, madam. My secrets must be kept."
"Make no threats, sir knight," Honor said. "Before we snap at each other, we have a common foe to fight."
"Morgassa came into being much as you did," Callista said. "But her energy derived from a shaper of even greater power. Only those gathered here have a chance to topple her. Any ordinary mortal who dares approach her will be assimilated into her horde. Your changings will protect you and your knights, as will the changings I have provided for this band of heroes."
"I see mostly children among you," the Rogue Knight said.
I fingered my mask. It wouldn't take much for me
and the others to appear a lot more intimidating.
"Do not underestimate the young," Callista said gravely. "The power behind you and your knights was stolen from a child, as was the power behind Morgassa."
"I cannot refute that," the Rogue Knight said, hand on Verity's hilt. "I received Honor's power, though I had no part in stealing it. The power that once belonged to her is not only mine to wield it has become who I am."
"That power still belongs to her," Callista said. "It wants to return. Should Honor perish, you'll be as naked of power as you were before the thievery."
"I'd be powerless if I survived the trauma," the Rogue Knight clarified. "I'd more likely be torn asunder."
"I'm not here to claim my power," Honor said. "That day may come, but not yet. For the sake of Elloweer, we must stop Morgassa."
"Why not leave the task to those who created her?" the Rogue Knight proposed.
"If they alone would pay the price for their folly, I would happily agree," Honor said. "Sadly, those who made her lack the ability to stop her, and they are not the only ones who will suffer. Before long, all of Elloweer will fall under Morgassa's control. She must be stopped. We'll have a better chance if we work together."
The Rogue Knight turned to his men. "I knew a day of reckoning might come for my borrowed powers. I expect that if we stop Morgassa, that reckoning will follow."
"We will heed your orders, as ever, regardless of the consequences," Phillip said, his battle-ax on his shoulder. "Lead on."
"You have more knights," Minimus observed.
"Three more," the Rogue Knight said. "The knights Desmond, Oster, and Raul escaped Edgemont with us and have permanently joined my company. Now that you have returned, Minimus, my knights number eleven and a half."
When the Rogue Knight named Desmond, Oster, and Raul, he gestured at them. I noticed they all now wore full suits of armor like his other knights. They also looked larger.
"What about Joe, Brady, and Sultan?" Mira asked. "They couldn't come with us. Do you know what became of them?"
"Brady and I are here," Joe said, emerging from a tent, arm in a sling. Brady followed him. I felt immense relief at the sight of them. It was great to know that Joe and the little guy were okay.
"Kendal! Jace!" Brady said, running over to us.
"Hey buddy." Jace said, kneeling down to hug him. I did the same.
"What about Sultan?" Skye asked.
Joe frowned. "Sultan succumbed to his injuries a few hours after you left us."
"He's gone?" Skye asked, anguish in her voice.
My relief turned sour. There had been a lot of blood from the wound to Sultan's shoulder, but the quarrel hadn't been in the heart or anything. I had expected the sturdy illusionist to recover.
"I did all I could," Joe apologized. "Not long after he passed away, Brady and I would have fallen into enemy hands if not for the Rogue Knight. Enforcers ambushed us, but the Rogue Knight and his men arrived and destroyed them."
"May I see the boy?" Callista asked.
I turned to Brady. "Do you want to go to her?"
Brady squinted up at me. "Is she nice?"
"I'm a friend, Brady," Callista said. "I'm here to help."
"She's pretty nice," Jace offered.
Brady crossed to Callista as everyone watched. She placed her hands on his shoulders and looked down at him. He looked small and very young.
"You're far from home," she said.
"I want to go back," Brady said. "Can you help me?"
"Not right now," Callista said. "I would if I could. Do you know how you came here?"
"I was dreaming," Brady said. "I got stuck. I couldn't wake up. I couldn't leave."
"I see," Callista said. "You brought yourself here while dreaming. You opened a way. Then you couldn't get out."
"Not until the guys came and got me," Brady said. "But they didn't take me home."
"You had enormous power," Callista told him.
"I imagined things, and they happened," Brady replied. "Just like a dream, except it felt really real. I tried to make up happy things. But I couldn't stop thinking of scary stuff, too. The guys who took me made it go away."
"You gave them your power, and they channeled it to somebody else," Callista said.
"They gave it to some lady," Brady said. "I let them. They promised the dreams would stop. The lady changed."
"How did she change?" Callista asked.
He paused, looking at the ground. "She became like Mrs. Morgan," he said softly. "Except worse."
"Who is Mrs. Morgan?" Callista asked.
Brady studied his feet. "She was my teacher. My first-grade teacher. She was so mean. She hated me."
"Morgassa," I murmured.
"Yeah," Brady said, looking over at me. "The lady called herself that after she changed. She got taller. She was angry. She said I was a bad boy. She said she would make me pay. The guys took me away. They took her away too. The guys told me I was safe. They were liars."
Mira approached Brady. "We're going to stop her" she said. "We're going to stop Morgassa."
Brady looked worried. "Don't try. She'll get you."
"We have to try," Honor said.
"Is there anything you know about her that could help us?" Callista asked.
"That lady was different from Mrs. Morgan," Brady said. "Angrier. Stronger. Kind of like when my monsters came to Dreamland. They were always worse than I imagined."
"Did Mrs. Morgan have any weaknesses?" Mira asked.
Brady looked stumped.
"Did anything ever scare Mrs. Morgan?" I followed up. "Did anything bother her?"
Brady paused to think. "She hated when we wouldn't pay attention," he said. "She wanted us to listen. She wanted us to obey. And she hated messes. She always made me clean my desk. It was never good enough."
Callista approached Joe. "Watch over Brady."
"I'm coming with you," Joe protested.
Callista shook her head. "We're all protected by changings. Someone needs to watch over the boy. He trusts you. We'll return to you after we deal with Morgassa. How's your arm?"
Joe rubbed it. "Could be worse."
Callista rested a hand on his shoulder. "You don't need the sling anymore."
Rotating his shoulder, Joe rubbed his upper arm and flexed it. "Amazing."
"A minor changing," Callista said. "It isn't truly healed yet. But the changing will leave it fully functional until the healing occurs. Take the boy to the farthest tent. We have matters to discuss."
"I want to stay," Brady complained. "I'm not a baby."
"Come on, Brady," Joe said. "I know a game."
"What kind of game?"
"It's a secret," Joe said. "You'll see."
Joe started walking, and Brady hurried to catch up, taking his hand. They strode away together.
"Morgassa came from the lad?" the Rogue Knight asked, his voice quiet for a change.
"Much like how your power came from Honor," Callista confirmed. "The chief difference is that the boy gave up all claim to his power. It now exists separate from him."
The Rogue Knight turned to Honor. "If you surrender your claim to your power, my sword and my knights are yours."
"I will not," Honor said. "Your power might feel like part of you, but it came from me. My father and those who aided him took it by force. But I will lay aside my claim for now if you will help us."
The Rogue Knight drew Verity. "I could slay your companions and take you prisoner."
"You could try," Jace said, putting on his mask and transforming into a mighty wolf.
I put on my mask as well. I didn't like his attitude. Looking around, I realized the others had out there mask on as well.
"I fear neither man nor beast," the Rogue Knight bellowed. "I had my reservations about attacking children. My men and I would welcome a fairer fight."
"If you want a fair fight," Honor offered, "leave the others out of it. Duel with me."
Only Callista remained in her true form. She held up her hands. "Cease this foolishness!" she demanded. "Rogue Knight, I doubt you wish to test yourself in combat against a virtuous young lady. She has not wronged you in any way.
You have wronged her. If you cause any harm to Princess Honor, your honor would be the price. You did not personally steal her power. Do not make yourself an accomplice after the fact! Your alternative to helping us would be to live out your days on the run, either evading Morgassa or else falling prey to her. You physically cannot leave Elloweer. Side with us against this menace and give Elloweer a chance."
"You ask too much," the Rogue Knight growled, as if the words had been torn from him. He pointed Verity at Honor. "I am her power more than I am anything else, as are my knights. You ask me to give up my identity. Our identities."
Minimus dismounted and walked to the Rogue Knight. "Sigmund, the identity you wish to protect is not yours. It's hers. Yes, it changed you, but you remain beneath it. Keeping her power goes against all you now stand for and all you taught us."
Silence reigned in the camp. Eleven and a half knights watched their leader in stoic, faceless silence.
"Let's see how the battle goes," Honor suggested. "You have done much good with my power. Perhaps there is more you could accomplish before I ask for it back."
"After this battle," the Rogue Knight said, "you might ask, and I might refuse."
"I'm willing to take that chance," Honor said.
"Our best hope against Morgassa is to unite our efforts," Callista said. "I will stand with you, as will Honor, her sister, and their companions. It's perhaps our only chance to end this menace."
"Very well," the Rogue Knight said, a hint of defeat in his voice. "I have watched Morgassa. She is indeed a catastrophe of the magnitude you describe. We will join the hunt, but I make no promise about afterward."
"That problem may resolve itself," Callista said brightly. "There is a high probability that none of us will survive."


As we were getting ready to leave to find Morgassa, Brady scampered out of a tent to where me and Jace stood.
"Are you going to fight Morgassa?" He asked, looking worried.
I crouched down next to him. "Yes. But we'll be careful."
Jace crouched down next to me. "We'll come back and tell you all about it."
Brady hugged me. "Promise you'll come back."
"I promise." I said to him, hoping I could keep it.
"Pinky promise." He said, sticking out his pinky finger. I shook it and he moved to Jace and hugged him, and made him pinky promise.
As he scampered away, and Jace leaned in close and said, "Whats a pinky promise?"
I laughed. "Its supposed to be an unbreakable promise. I used to make Cole and Dalton do it all the time when we were younger. Brady is from Earth too, so I suppose that's where he learned it."
Jace sighed. "I'm going to miss him."
I looked over to him, surprised. I never thought he would get so attached to the little guy.
"Me too."

The Outskirts: The Rogue Knight (Jace x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now